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Kärntner Kreuz für Tapferkeit

The "Kärntner Kreuz" was instituted on November 4th, 1919 for those who took part in the liberation of Carinthia in the years 1918-1919.l The decoration knew two forms, for common merit and for special merit.

Grid List
Globocnik, Odilo Lotario* April 21st, 1904
† May 31st, 1945



Special Carinthian Cross for Bravery
Besonderes Kärntner Kreuz für TapferkeitSpecial Carinthian Cross for Bravery
In the database: 2
Common Carinthian Cross for Bravery
Allgemeines Kärntner Kreuz für TapferkeitCommon Carinthian Cross for Bravery
In the database: 2