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Gau München Erinnerungsabzeichen der 9 Nov 1923

A small and rond badge with a diameter of 35mm. Only in one bronze version. Some were made and marked by , DESCHLER & SOHN, MÜNCHEN, others were unmarked. There are diferences too in the "3". Around the wreath are the words "UND IHR HABT DOCH GESIEGT", meaning, "And yet you have conquered". Though never authorized as an official decoration, it was awarded to participants in the putsch of 9 November 1923.

Hühnlein, Adolf Andreas* September 12th, 1881
† June 18th, 1942

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Hühnlein, Adolf Andreas12-09-188118-06-1942more
