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Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP 10 Jahre

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Maurice, Emil19-01-189706-02-1972more
Meinhold, Wolfgang (Grenadier-Regiment 123)08-10-190203-04-1945more
Meyer, Kurt 'Panzermeyer' (Waffen-SS)23-12-191023-12-1961more
Möckel, Karl09-01-190128-01-1948
Mohnke, Wilhelm (Waffen SS)15-03-191106-08-2001more
Mrugowsky, Joachim Erns A.15-08-190502-06-1948
Müller, Heinrich (SS-Rechnungshof Berlin)07-06-189626-04-1945more
Müller, Kurt Hugo (SS)14-04-190924-01-1948
Mummert, Werner (Generalmajor d.R.)31-03-189728-01-1950more
