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Photo Report Unveiling memorial Flt David Lord VC, DFC


Photo Report Unveiling memorial Flt David Lord VC, DFC

On 19 September 2019 a memorial was unveiled to [bioid]102,Flight Lieutenant David Samuel Anthony Lord VC DFC[/bioid] at the Reijerskamp in Wolfheze Netherlands. It was at that day exactly 75 years ago that David Lord crashed with his Dakota on Landing Zone S during a resupply flight for the 1st Airnborne Division which was fighting the Battle of Arnhem. David was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for his brave attempt to drop the supplies at the right place although his aircraft was on fire.

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Photo Report Airborne Memorial Wolfheze


Photo Report Airborne Memorial Wolfheze

The commemoration at the Airborne memorial in Wolfheze was held this year on Sunday 22 September. In this service special attention is given to the Glider Pilot Regiment, because this unit adopted this memorial as theirs. Two Arnhem veterans of the Glider Pilot Regiment, Ron Johnson and Frank Ashleigh, attended the ceremony.

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Photo report Commemoration Mausoleum and laying of flowers Ede Cemetery


Photo report Commemoration Mausoleum and laying of flowers Ede Cemetery

On the Monday morning after the Arnhem Airborne Commemoration weekend, is short ceremony has been held since several years. In the Mausoleum thirty resistance men are buried. After the Battle of Arnhem, the resistance played a very important part in helping Airborne soldiers in hiding. This was very dangerous to do. On monday 23 September 2019 a service was held. Around hundred people attended this in company of the Arnhem veterans John Jeffries and Sam Kendrick. Mayor of Ede mr. Verhulst held a speech.

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Photo Report Airborne Cemetery Oosterbeek


Photo Report Airborne Cemetery Oosterbeek

On Sunday 22 September 2019 the annual commemoration was held at the Airborne Cemetery in Oosterbeek. Very many people came to the cemetery. Several veterans of the Battle of Arnhem were attending the ceremony.

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Photo Report Airborne Landing and Commemoration


Photo Report Airborne Landing and Commemoration

On 21 September 2018 the Airborne Landings and commemoration was held at Ginkel Heath near Ede, Netherlands. Very many were attending the event because it not only was the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem, but the weather couldn't have been better. British crown prince Charles and Dutch princess Beatrix attended the ceremony and talked to the veterans after the commemeration.

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Unveiling plaque Hendrika van der Vlist


Unveiling plaque Hendrika van der Vlist

On Thursday 19 September 2019 a memorial plaque for Hendrika van der Vlist was unveiled at the Schoonoord restaurant in Oosterbeek. During the Battle of Arnhem Hendrika lived with her parents in Hotel Schoonoord. The hotel was in the frontline of the Battle and British soldiers started to use it as a dressing station. Together with other volunteers, Hendrika helped hundreds of wounded British, Polish and German soldiers. The plaque was an initiative by Michiel ter Horst and Sophie Lambrechtsen, children of Kate ter Horst.

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Photo Report Unveiling of the Landmark at Ginkel Heath


Photo Report Unveiling of the Landmark at Ginkel Heath

On 18 September 2019 the Airborne Landmark 'Windows of the past' was unveiled at Ginkel Heath near Ede. After the speeches John Jeffries, an Arnhem veteran who jumped at Ginkel Heath with 4th Parachute Brigade on 18 September 1944, had the honour to do the unveiling. The ceremony was followed by a couple of fly-by's.

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Photo report unveiling memorial 10th Battalion Parachute Regiment


Photo report unveiling memorial 10th Battalion Parachute Regiment

On Saturday 7 September 2019 a memorial was unveiled for the 10th Battalion the Parachute Regiment. The location is at Burrough on the Hill, near Somerby in Leicestershire. The project was an initiative of the 'Friends of the Tenth'. This foundation raised the required money via crowd funding. Around 600 people were attending the ceremony.

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WW2 Youtube Series - August 31, 1940 - 366 Days of Crushed Hopes, Suffering and Death


WW2 Youtube Series - August 31, 1940 - 366 Days of Crushed Hopes, Suffering and Death

New on Youtube, from the makers and creators of Youtube channel 'The Great War', the Second World War week by week, 6 years long.

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Photo report erecting Airborne Landmark Ginkelse Heide


Photo report erecting Airborne Landmark Ginkelse Heide

On 18 September 2019 it is exactly 75 years ago that the 4th Parachute Brigade landed on Ginkel Heath at Ede as part of Operation Market Garden. So that will be the perfect day to unveil the new Airborne Landmark. The landmark is a scuplture, not a memorial. It gives an impression of the Airborne Landing.

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Photo report Wings of Freedom Airshow


Photo report Wings of Freedom Airshow

On Saturday, August 24, 2019, the Wings of Freedom Airshow took place in Ede: the highlight of the four-day event. Partly due to the good weather, visitors came in large numbers to the temporary airport on the quay. The event was held for the 75 years commemorations of Market Garden.

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WW2 Youtube Series - August 17, 1940 - Il Duce Kicks Churchill Where it Hurts


WW2 Youtube Series - August 17, 1940 - Il Duce Kicks Churchill Where it Hurts

New on Youtube, from the makers and creators of Youtube channel 'The Great War', the Second World War week by week, 6 years long.

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WW2 Youtube Series - July 20, 1940 - Good People on Both Sides?


WW2 Youtube Series - July 20, 1940 - Good People on Both Sides?

New on Youtube, from the makers and creators of Youtube channel 'The Great War', the Second World War week by week, 6 years long.

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Unmarked graves of the only British soldiers who died in Germany between WW1 & WW2


Unmarked graves of the only British soldiers who died in Germany between WW1 & WW2

As the long period of public remembrance and reflection marking the centenary of the outbreak and the bloody course of WW1 comes to an end, it is worth highlighting a particular commemorative plight arising from the British government’s decision to determine 31 August 1921 as the official end of the war. This is an account of the British Army’s indifference to the plight of the only British soldiers, 30 of them, who died in Germany whilst implementing conditions of the Treaty of Peace, and who lie buried in Europe without any form of commemoration or recognition.

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WW2 Nation about Erwin Rommel and the German invasion of the west


WW2 Nation about Erwin Rommel and the German invasion of the west

After some time of not making new videos, WW2 Nation started a new series of video documentaries on their YouTube channel. In this series the British team members visit the location of Hitler's invasion of Belgium and France during the spring of 1940. Below you can watch the first episode, in which the role of Erwin Rommel during the German invasion of the west is described.

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WW2 Youtube Series - June 22, 1940 - Nazi Europe?!


WW2 Youtube Series - June 22, 1940 - Nazi Europe?!

New on Youtube, from the makers and creators of Youtube channel 'The Great War', the Second World War week by week, 6 years long.

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WW2 Youtube Series - June 15, 1940 - Britain Votes to Leave


WW2 Youtube Series - June 15, 1940 - Britain Votes to Leave

New on Youtube, from the makers and creators of Youtube channel 'The Great War', the Second World War week by week, 6 years long.

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Rough Guides follows in the footsteps of the liberators


Rough Guides follows in the footsteps of the liberators

On 1 July 2019 Liberation Route Europe Foundation and Rough Guides present a travel book about the liberation of Europe during World War II, titled Travel the Liberation Route Europe. The book covers hundreds of locations through regions in nine different countries, focusing on the liberation routes of the Allied advance. asked the authors, Nick Inman and Joe Staines some questions by e-mail.

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Photo and video report D-Day 75 years [update!]


Photo and video report D-Day 75 years [update!]

You can’t have missed that yesterday and today in Normandy the allied invasion of 6 June 1944, 75 years ago, is commemorated. is there. Below an impression. More photos will follow later.

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WW2 Youtube Series - June 1, 1940 - Brexit at Dunkirk


WW2 Youtube Series - June 1, 1940 - Brexit at Dunkirk

New on Youtube, from the makers and creators of Youtube channel 'The Great War', the Second World War week by week, 6 years long.

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How art treasures were hidden from Hitler


How art treasures were hidden from Hitler

The story of how a quarry in north Wales was used to store priceless works of art during World War Two.

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WW2 Youtube Series - May 18, 1940 - Blitzkrieg in the West


WW2 Youtube Series - May 18, 1940 - Blitzkrieg in the West

New on Youtube, from the makers and creators of Youtube channel 'The Great War', the Second World War week by week, 6 years long.

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Troops' horror at stench of 1,016 burned bodies after WW2 death camp massacre


Troops' horror at stench of 1,016 burned bodies after WW2 death camp massacre

WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES. More than a thousand labour camp inmates – who’d already suffered the privations of the death marches as the allies advanced – had been literally, and deliberately, roasted alive by the residents of Gardelegen

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