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Bloch-Auroch, Paul

Date of death:
April 26th, 1946


BCRA Jedburgh team member
Aka Paul Aguirec aka Vire

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Capitaine (Captain)
Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action, Régime Républicain de Résistance Gouvernement en exil
Awarded on:
"This officer was parachuted into the Cotes du Nord department of Brittany on 9/10 June 1944.
Very little was known of Resistance in that region. He at once set out to organise and make contacts. By the beginning of August, a critical period for the American advance through Brittany, 6,000 men had been armed and equipped as a result of his untiring energy and devotion to duty.

Capitaine Auroch personally commanded Maquis forces in several battles with successful results and on three occasions he led his party out of cordon of several hundred Germans who had surrounded them.

Although persistently attacked by the Germans, who had full knowledge of the party, he organised acts of sabotage which effectively reduced the German effort - most notable being the destruction of 60,000 gallons of petrol at ST. BRIEUC.
On one particular occasion he showed great personal bravery in advancing alone to reconnoitre a ** occupied by the Germans. He returned with information that enabled the party to escape and continue in the task of ordering supply drops by parachute.

On a second occasion at Treguier he held the town with the aid of the Resistance Movement after the American forces who had taken it during the day had withdrawn: he himself blew the bridge in the face of enemy opposition, thus preventing a German counter-attack which was imminent.

In view of his personal gallantry under fire and his devotion to the Allied cause, it is recommended that Capitaine Aurocj be appointed a Companion in the Distinguished Service Order."

Colin Gubbins
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)

