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Marcks, Werner

Date of birth:
July 17th, 1896 (Magdeburg/Saxony, Germany)
Date of death:
July 28th, 1967 (Wedel/Schleswig-Holstein, Germany)


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
September 14th, 1939

Had already received the Iron Cross 2nd Class on 28th May 1915.
1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuz 2er Klasse 1914
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
October 16th, 1939

Had already received the Iron Cross 1st Class on 22nd February 1918.
1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuz 1er Klasse 1914
Second World War (1939-1945)
I. / Schützen-Regiment 64
Awarded on:
December 11th, 1941

Award 28/18.
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant-colonel)
Führer Kampfgruppe Marcks (Schützen-Regiment 155 / 15.Panzer-Division) / Panzerarmee Afrika
Awarded on:
February 2nd, 1942
Awarded for his successes as commander of an independent Kampfgruppe in North Africa during the time period 21-25.01.1942. After a swift thrust that brought the Kampfgruppe to a distance 25 km west of Agedabia on the first day of the attack, this town (located in the rear of strong British forces) was captured on the morning of the second day. Afterwards the Kampfgruppe pursued the British via Antelat and Saunu, a distance of 135 km on a single day. After a brief rest during the night Marcks attacked from Saunu to the south and here blocked the retreat of superior Allied forces to the NE. This move forced the opposing force to deploy for battle. Marcks would also distinguish himself during the next two days of battle as well.

827th Award.
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
Second World War (1939-1945)
Kommandeur 1.Panzer-Division / III.Panzer-Korps / Armee-Gruppe Heinrici / Heeresgruppe Nordukraine
Awarded on:
September 21st, 1944
Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub
Awarded for his achievements as commander of the 1. Panzer-Division from March 1944 near Staro Konstantinow and the attack on Ulaczkowce on the 02.04.1944. During this latter action the Division was able to form a bridgehead over the Sereth following the capture of a 60 ton bridge located there in a coup-de-main. Marcks would also be recognized for the steadfastness of his Division during the heavy defense battles in the great bend of the Vistula.

593rd Award.

