Zorn, Hans
- Date of birth:
- October 27th, 1891 (Munich/Bavaria, Germany)
- Date of death:
- August 2nd, 1943 (Krassnaya-Roschtocha/Oryol Oblast, Soviet Union)
- Nationality:
- German
1911: Fähnrich;
14th December 1913: Leutnant (entering 29th October 1912);
1917: Oberleutnant;
1st December 1922: Hauptmann;
1st February 1931: Major;
1st July 1934: Oberstleutnant;
1st August 1936: Oberst im Generalstab (16);
1st July 1940: Generalmajor;
15th January 1942: Generalleutnant;
1st June 1942: General der Infanterie.
1905: Bayerische Kadettenkorps;
1911: 2. Königlich Bayerisches Infanterie-Regiment "Kronprinz", Königlich Bayerische Armee;
1920: Reichswehr-Schützen-Regiment 41;
?: Kompanieoffizier 19. (Bayer.) Infanterie-Regiment;
1st October 1923: Regimentsstab 19. (Bayer.) Infanterie-Regiment;
1924: Reichswehrministerium;
?: Truppenamt (TA), Heeres-Transport-Abteilung (T 7);
1925: 8. (MG.) Kompanie, 20. (Bayer.) Infanterie-Regiment;
1st October 1921: Eskadronoffizier 17. (Bayer.) Reiter-Regiment;
1927: Stab 7. Division;
1929: Chef 4. (MG.) Kompanie, 19. (Bayer.) Infanterie-Regiment;
?: Truppenamt (TA), Heeresabteilung (T1), Reichswehrministerium;
?: Generalstabs-Offizier Eisenbahn-Abteilung;
1933: Chef der Eisenbahn-Abteilung;
1st May 1938: Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 19;
26th August 1939: Chef des Stabes XXVII. Armeekorps;
November 1940 - 12th January 1942: Kommandeur 20. Infanterie-Division (motorisiert);
15thJanuary 1942 - 16th February 1942: Kommandierende General XXXX. Armeekorps (motorisiert);
11th June 1942: Kommandierender General XXXXVI. Armeekorps (motorisiert);
14th June 1942 - 21st November 1942 : Kommandierender General XXXXVI. Panzerkorps;
January 1943 - 2nd August 1943: Kommandierender General XXXXI. Panzerkorps.
Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!
- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- Generalmajor (Brigadier)
- Unit:
- Kommandeur 20. Infanterie-Division (motorisiert)
- Awarded on:
- July 27th, 1941
The following newspaper excerpt describes why Zorn received the Knight’s Cross…
“Generalmajor Zorn established a bridgehead at Vitebsk following heavy combat. It was then held against fiercely prosecuted Soviet counterattacks. The holding of the railroad bridge located here was of decisive importance for the continuation of the Panzergruppe’s operations. Such a success is primarily due to the courageous spirit and aggressive leadership of Generalmajor Zorn himself.”
- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- General der Infanterie (Lieutenant-General of Infantry)
- Unit:
- XXXXVI. Armeekorps (motorisiert)
- Awarded on:
- June 14th, 1942
- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- General der Infanterie (Lieutenant-General of Infantry)
- Unit:
- Kommandierender General XXXXI. Panzerkorps
- Awarded on:
- September 3rd, 1943
Awarded for his successful leadership of the XXXXVI. Panzer-Korps, in particular during the summer of 1942 near Rzhev. There his troops participated in the elimination of a Soviet pocket south of the Smolensk-Vyazma railway line, securing the rear of the German 9. Armee. In the process 50,131 prisoners were taken as well as 226 tanks and 763 guns destroyed or captured.
291st Award.
Awarded posthumously.
- Photo 1: Keith Snyder
- - FELLGIEBEL, W.P., Elite of theThird Reich, Helion & Company Limited, Solihull, 2003.
- PATZWALL, K. & SCHERZER, V., Das Deutsche Kreuz 1941-1945, Band II, Verlag Klaus D. Patzwall, Norderstedt, 2001.
- THOMAS, FRANZ & WEGMANN, GüNTER, Die Eichenlaubträger 1940-1945, Biblio-Verlag, 1998.
- http://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de
- Deathcard Wehrmacht