Stock, Hans-Christian (Panzerjäger Abt. 152)
- Date of birth:
- November 21st, 1919 (Liebstadt über Pirna/Saxony, Germany)
- Date of death:
- January 12th, 1945 (between Csecs, Hongarije and Makranz, Slovakije)
- Buried on:
- German War Graves Troppau / Opava
Grave: UNK.
- Nationality:
- German
18.11.1938: entered the 6.Batterie, Artillerie-Regiment 60
00.09.1939-00.06.1940: campaign in Poland and France
11.08.1940: Stab, Artillerie-Abteilung 184
00.02.1941: renamed Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 184
00.06.1941: Geschützführer, in Russia
01.09.1941: promoted to Leutnant der Reserve
12.12.1941: Zugführer, 2. Batterie, Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 270
01.03.1943: activated in the Officer corps
00.07.1943: Operation "Zitadelle"
01.10.1943: promoted to Oberleutnant
00.10.1943: Panzerjäger-Abteilung 152, 1. Ski-Jäger-Brigade
00.01.1944: Chef, 2. Kompanie, Panzerjäger-Abteilung 152, 1. Ski-Jäger-Brigade
01.08.1944: promoted to Hauptmann
00.08.1944: fightings in the Carpates mountains
00.01.1945: Kommandeur, Panzerjäger-Abteilung 152, 1. Ski-Jäger-Brigade
12.01.1945: KIA near Makranz, south of Kaschau, Slovakia
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- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- Leutnant (2nd Lieutenant)
- Unit:
- Zugführer, 2. Batterie, I. Abteilung, Sturmgeschützabteilung 270, 112. Infanterie-Division, 4. Panzer-Armee, Heeresgruppe Süd
- Awarded on:
- August 22nd, 1943
In the battles in the Orel salient, following the battle of Kursk, the headquarters of the LIII. Panzerkorps found itself encircled by the enemy. Following bitter fighting it was only through the assistance of the Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 270 that the HQ was able to escape. During this fighting the platoon of Leutnant Stock particularly distinguished itself.
In the following four days Stock and his crew managed to knock out 19 enemy tanks before being damaged themselves. On their way back to the workshop company they encountered an enemy breakthrough force consisting of tanks. Despite being totally alone, and having a damaged vehicle at that, they immediately engaged this new enemy. Stock and his crew swiftly destroyed 6 enemy tanks, and forced the rest to flee. Swiftly assembled reserves of the 112. Infanterie-Division were then called up, which succeeded in sealing off the penetration and holding off new enemy attacks.
For this string of important successes during the fighting in this area, Stock was decorated with the Knight's Cross.
2029th Award
Awarded in light of his outstanding support of the troops of the 1.Ski-Jäger-Division during the elimination of the Soviet bridgehead over the Vistula at Annopol (30-31.08.1944).
He was also recognized for his total of 58 enemy tanks destroyed up to date.
628th Award
- Photo 1: Wilco Vermeer
- Photo: Wilco Vermeer collection, the Netherlands
- - SCHERZER, VEIT & FARWICK, WERNER, Die Ritterkreuzträger der Sturmartillerie 1939-1945, Verlag Veit Scherzer, 2012.
- THOMAS, FRANZ & WEGMANN, GüNTER, Die Eichenlaubträger 1940-1945, Biblio-Verlag, 1998.
- Kwasny A., Kwasny G., Die Eichenlaubträger 1940-1945 (CD), Deutsches Wehrkundearchiv, Lage-Waddenhausen, 2001