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Brassert, Karl (Kampfgruppe 'Marienburg')

Date of birth:
March 2nd, 1899 (Ober-Ottendorf/Saxony, Germany)
Date of death:
February 12th, 1976 (Hamburg-Bergedorf/Hamburg, Germany)
Service number:
SS-Nr.: // NSDAP-Nr.:


Oberst Karl Hermann Werner Brassert
May 25th, 1917: Gefreiter;
August 2nd, 1917: Unteroffizier;
June 20th, 1918: Fähnrich;
July 9th, 1918: Leutnant (Patent August 13th, 1918);
July 31st, 1923: Oberleutnant;
July 25th, 1934: Hauptmann (RDA May 1st, 1934-167);
January 30th, 1940: Major (RDA February 1st, 1940-89);
May 15th, 1942: Oberstleutnant (RDA April 1st, 1942-266a);
September 20th, 1944: Oberst (RDA July 1st, 1944-22)

July 3rd, 1917 - July 25th, 1917: Fahnenjunker-Kurs Dresden;
august 3rd, 1917: 2. Kompanie, I. Ersatz-Bataillons, Infanterie-Regiment 102;
1941: Kommandeur II. / Schützen-Regimenr 20;
Ocotber 8th, 1917 - November 17th, 1917: MG-Ausbildung, 1. MG Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 102;
December 1st, 1917 - December 7th, 1917: Fahnenjunker-Kursus I. Ersatz-Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment 102, Döberitz;
April 22nd, 1918: 5. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 102;
June 28th, 1918: Kompanieführer 5. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 102;
July 9th, 1918: Ordonnanz-Offizier II. Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment 102;
August 24th, 1918: Zugführer, 6. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 102;
? - Spetember 7th, 1918: Lehrgang Sturm-Bataillon 5, Rohr;
September 8th, 1918: 2. MG-Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 102;
January 21st, 1919: Kompanie-Offizier 2. Kompanie, Freiwilligen-Bataillon 20;
February 19th, 1919: stellvertretender Führer 2. Kompanie, Freiwilligen-Infanterie-Regiment 20;
March 23rd, 1919: Kompanie-Offizier 2. Kompanie, Freiwilligen-Infanterie-Regiment 20;
April 22nd, 1919 - April 30th, 1919: stellvertretender Führer 1. MG-Kompanie, Freiwilligen-Infanterie-Regiment 20;
July 19th, 1919: stellvertretenden Ordonnanz-Offizier Stab Freiwilligen-Infanterie-Regiment 20;
August 15th, 1919: Kompanie-Offizier 2. Kompanie, Freiwilligen-Infanterie-Regiment 20;
September 2nd, 1919: Adjutant I. Bataillon, Freiwilligen-Infanterie-Regiment 20;
December 12th, 1919: Kompanie-Offizier 1. Kompanie, Freiwilligen-Infanterie-Regiment 20;
March 1st, 1920: Kompanie-Offizier 9. Kompanie, Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment 37;
May 15th, 1920: Sportlehr-Kursus, Wehrkreis IV, Dresden;
October 1st, 1920: Minenwerfer-Kompanie, Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment 37;
December 31st, 1920: Entlassung Heeresdienst;
July 25th, 1934: 14. Kompanie, A-Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment 4
Ocotber 1st, 1934: Führer 3. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment Leipzig;
January 1st, 1935: Chef 3. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment Leipzig;
October 15th, 1935: Chef 3. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 101;
May 1st, 1937: Kompaniechef 14. (PzAbw.) Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 101;
January 11th, 1940 - May 9th, 1940: Waffenlehrer Panzerabwehr Kompanie-Führer-Schule Welm-Senne;
?: Führer Panzerjäger-Abteilung 14;
May 1940: Kommandeur II. Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment 101, 14. Infanterie-Division;
October 15th, 1940: Kommandeur I. Bataillon, Schützen-Regiment 101, 18. Panzer-Division;
March 18th, 1941: Kommandeur Schützen-Ersatz-Bataillon (mot.) 3;
April 19th, 1941: Führerreserve Wehrkreis III;
May 1941: Stab Schützen-Ersatz-Bataillon 101;
May 29th, 1941: Bataillonskommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 508;
May 31st, 1941: Führerreserve Wehrkreis IV;
June 20th, 1941: Kommandeur II. Bataillon, Schützen-Regiment 10;
July 5th, 1942: Kommandeur I. Bataillon, Panzergrenadier-Regiment 10;
October 30th, 1942: Führerreserve Wehrkreis IV;
? - November 5th, 1942: Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Ersatz-Bataillon 101;
December 6th, 1942 - January 3rd, 1943: Führerreserve;
February 22nd, 1943: Lehrer für Panzergrenadier-Bataillonsführer, Abteilungs-Führer-Schule für Schnelle Truppen, OB West;
October 15th, 1943; Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2;
October 29th, 1944: Führerreserve OKH;
Jauary 20th, 1945: zur Verfügung Reichführer-SS, Stab Heeresgruppe Weichsel;
January 21st, 1945: Kommandeur Festung Marienburg/Kampfgruppe Marienburg, Kampfkommandant Marienburg;
March 9th, 1945: Führer Grenadier-Regiment 62;
1945 - 1950: Soiet POW.

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First World War (1914-1918)
Awarded on:
September 17th, 1918
Eisernes Kreuz 2.Klasse (1914)
First World War (1914-1918)
Awarded on:
November 4th, 1918
Ritterkreuz II. Klasse des Königlich Sächsischer Albrechtsordens
Silesian Uprisings (1919-1921)
Awarded on:
November 29th, 1919
Schlesisches Bewährungsabzeichen 2. Stufe
Silesian Uprisings (1919-1921)
Awarded on:
January 30th, 1920
Schlesisches Bewährungsabzeichen 1. Stufe
First World War (1914-1918)
Hauptmann (Captain)
Chef, 3. Kompanie, I. Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment Leipzig, Heer
Awarded on:
January 15th, 1935
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Hauptmann (Captain)
Chef, 3. Kompanie, I. Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment 101, Heer
Awarded on:
October 2nd, 1936
Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht 4.Klasse, 4 Jahre
Second World War (1939-1945)
Hauptmann (Captain)
Kompaniechef, 14. (PzAbw.) Kompanie, III. Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment 101, 14. Infanterie-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
October 23rd, 1939

Had already received the Iron Cross 2nd Class on September 17th, 1918.
1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuz 2er Klasse 1914
Second World War (1939-1945)
Kommandeur, II. Bataillon, Schützen-Regiment 10, 9. Panzer-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
September 9th, 1941
Panzerkampfabzeichen (ohne Zahl)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant-colonel)
Kommandeur, I. Bataillon, Panzergrenadier-Regiment 10, 9. Panzer-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
August 1st, 1942
Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant-colonel)
Awarded on:
July 1st, 1943
Nahkampfspange in Bronze
Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberst (Colonel)
Kampfkommandant Marienburg, Kampfgruppe Marienburg, 7. Infanterie-Division, 2. Armee, Heeresgruppe Nord 'Weichsel'
Awarded on:
February 10th, 1945
Awarded for holding the city of Marienburg against a vast enemy superiority during early 1945. Oberst Brassert only had about 2500 men available, however he and his men fought bravely and were able to cover the naval evacuation of thousands of refugees.

The garrison of Marienburg was comprised of 2 Kompanien from Heeres-Unteroffizier-Schule Mewe, the Bootsmaatschule Gotenhafen, the remnants of the Grenadier-Ersatz- und Ausbildungs-Bataillone 492 and 494, 2 Kompanien from the Füsilier-Ausbildungs-Bataillon Feldherrnhalle, the Luftwaffen-Offiziersanwärter-Bataillon Rahmel, the crew of the warship “Schleswig-Holstein”, 4 Batterien of artillery, 1 Flak-Abteilung, 1 Polizei unit, alarm units and Volkssturm.
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes

