As Kompaniechef 3.Kompanie, Jäger-Bataillon 2, Oberleutnant Bussmer entered after 17 days of transport by train and cargotruck the city Teberda on August 25th, 1942. On August 28th, the unit went to the Kara-Kara-Scharte at 3500 meters heighth. Here they fought the next couple of weeks the heighest fought battles of World War Two. During these fightings, Oberleutnant Bussner was wounded.
1st September 1939: Oberjäger;
1st January 1940: Feldwebel;
1st May 1940: Leutnant;
1st February 1942: Oberleutnant;
1st March 1944: Hauptmann;
October 1956: Hauptmann;
?: Major;
?: Oberstleutnant;
1st August 1937: Eintritt Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 100,Bad Reichenhall;
October 1956 - 31st May 1957: Kompaniechef 2. / 234 (Gebirgsjäger-Bataillon 114);
? - 18th July 1960: Gebirgsjäger-Bataillon 232;
1st October 1968 - 31st March 1970: Kommandeur (Leiter) Gebirgsjäger Ausbildungszentrum Luttensee in Mittenwald (Winterkampfschule).
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