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This decoration was instituted on December 20th 1939 by the Oberstbefehlshaber des Heeres, Generalfeldmarschall von Brauchitsch.

The design came from the firm C.E. Juncker in Berlin and consisted of an oval wreath of Oak leaves with the "Wehrmacht-eagle" with folded wings and the Swastika in its paws, at the top. From the upper left to right downwards there can be found a rendition of the Mauser K98k, the German standard Infantry weapon. The normal measures are 6.3 cm in height and 4.9 cm wide. The badge was produced in very many quantities and by many firms. This resulted in badges with and without markings, hollow or flat and with many different pins on the back.

The institutional rules of the decoration was adjusted on June 1st 1940, when a second version was introduced, the Sturmabzeichen in Bronze.

With the institution of the "Ordens-Gesetz" of 1957, it was German military permitted to wear de-nazified versions of German decorations. Also the Infanterie- Sturmabzeichen was produced from 1957 as a de-nazified version in Silver and Bronze, without the eagle and the Swastika.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Abel, Adolf Wilhelm (161. Infanterie-Division)18-10-191426-08-1944more
Abel, Josef (Infanterie-Regiment 217)03-01-191401-12-1984more
Abel, Wilhelm (Grenadier-Regiment 412)  
Abele, Arnulf (Gren.Reg. 'Hoch u. Deutschmeister')08-11-191402-07-2000
Abendroth, Heinz (Grenadier-Regiment 94)  
Aberer, Alois22-11-190931-10-1943
Ablinger, Alois09-04-192213-06-1944
Abraham, Erich Max Robert (Pz-Gren.-Reg.13)16-11-192108-12-1943
Abraham, Max (Grenadier-Regiment 280)  
Achatz, Ludwig02-07-191929-09-1944
Adolph, Günther (SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 10)14-11-1914 more
Adorf, Anton  
Ager, Franz (Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 141)14-02-1915 more
Ahrens, Hinrich (Grenadier-Regiment 1141)15-03-192131-12-2009more
Ahrens, Wilhelm "Willi" (Grenadier-Regiment 17)01-10-191226-08-1998more
Aichhorn, Alois18-04-192108-08-1942
Aichinger, Hermann03-11-191231-08-1942
Aichner, Otto26-05-192412-12-1943
Aigner, Alois07-11-191728-03-1943
Aingst, Gottfried  
Alberti, von, Konrad17-07-189401-08-1967more
Albrecht, Fritz Wilhelm Karl (Pz-Art.Reg. 'GD')23-12-190529-04-1977more
Albrecht, Kurt (Grenadier-Regiment 948)24-02-188902-09-1968more
Albrecht, Walter (Infanterie-Regiment)08-05-191423-05-1944
Allersmeier, Heinz24-03-191723-03-2001more
Allmacher, Friedrich "Fritz"03-12-191426-12-1944more
Alm, Karl04-01-191923-11-1944more
Alm, Werner04-05-1917 more
Altacher, Eduard24-01-191927-05-1945
Altenbuchner, Michael 22-10-1943
Altmann, Johann18-11-191902-10-1942
Altmann, Josef (Infanterie-Regiment)07-09-192104-10-1942
Altstadt, Rudolf (Grenadier-Regiment 380)16-01-191427-05-1974more
Alvermann, Gustav (Infanterie-Regiment 47)09-10-189707-06-1942more
Amadio, Johannes Franciscus20-09-192423-09-1943
Aman, Hans (Infanterie-Regiment 19)28-01-191627-09-1943
Ambrosius, Dr., Lothar Adolf Heinrich11-05-190309-01-1971more
Amerkamp, Siegfried (Grenadier-Regiment 459)25-03-192003-09-1995more
Ametsreiter, Ferdinand17-02-192107-03-1944
Amlacher, Kurt01-05-192102-05-1945more
Amling, Hans (Grenadier-Regiment 60)  more
Ammann, Franz03-11-191918-08-1943more
Ammer, Hermann (Grenadier-Regiment 62)08-03-191409-12-2000more
Amsberg, von, Joachim (Grenadier-Regiment 502)28-12-190327-05-1981more
Amtmann, Hans Leonard (Waffen SS)20-05-1919 
Anding, Friedrich26-06-191507-02-1996more
Andrä, Heinrich08-07-1915 more
André, Heinrich08-04-1924 
Andree, Harry (Grenadier-Regiment 504)02-10-191315-08-1944more
Andres, Hans11-04-192225-03-1944
Andrews, Walter (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 361)  
Angermaier, Josef30-04-191723-03-1943
Anhalt, Günther (SS-Polizei-Rgt. 2)23-01-190627-04-1945more
Anneken, Udo11-10-191711-10-1997more
Ansons, Zanis (Waffen SS)04-12-191124-11-1968more
Anzinger, Max15-09-191114-06-1944more
Apelt, Fedor Johannes14-10-190415-04-1988more
Apitz, Willy27-01-191628-02-2004
Armbruster, Walter (Jäger-Regiment 56)09-12-191405-04-1942
Armer, Josef24-12-1916 
Arndt, Johannes07-10-190606-07-1944more
Arndt, Karl Hermann (359. Infanterie-Division)10-03-189230-12-1981more
Arnold, Alfred02-01-191510-10-1944more
Asche, Bernhard20-08-191113-10-1941
Ascher, Dietrich23-04-192308-10-2010
Asendorf, Wilhelm (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 76)27-11-1920 more
Atzl, Hermann (Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 136)  
Aubeck, Josef23-08-191712-02-1942
Auberger, Josef (Infanterie-Regiment 61)19-03-191908-04-2010more
Auburger, Johann11-07-192009-08-1944
Audorff, Paul06-02-190417-01-1981more
Auer, Karl (Waffen SS)20-10-191631-03-1997more
Auert, Heinz11-06-192118-02-2002more
Augsberger, Franz Xaver Josef Maria "Franz" (SS)10-10-190519-03-1945more
Aulinger, Michael14-09-191522-11-1941
Austen, Hans27-07-191824-01-1994more
Austermann, Johannes (Grenadier-Regiment 1146)24-06-190612-08-1973more
Axtmann, Fritz (Infanterie-Regiment 20)07-12-191413-09-1943more
Axtmann, Walter (Grenadier-Regiment 287)  


Infantry Assault Badge in Silver
Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in SilberInfantry Assault Badge in Silver
In the database: 1170
Infantry Assault Badge in Bronze
Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in BronzeInfantry Assault Badge in Bronze
In the database: 207
