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Oldendorf, Jesse Barett

Date of birth:
February 16th, 1887 (Riverside/California, United States)
Date of death:
April 27th, 1974 (Portsmouth/Virginia, United States)


?: Commander;
?: Captain;
31st March 1942: Rear Admiral;
15th September 1944: Vice Admiral;
September 1948: Admiral.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Rear Admiral
U.S.S. Louisville (CA-28), Cruiser Division 4, U.S. Navy
Awarded on:
April 1945
"For extraordinary heroism and distinguished service in the line of his profession as Allied Support Force Commander, in action against enemy Japanese forces at Surigao Strait during the Battle for Leyte Gulf in the Philippine Islands on the night of 24 - 25 October 1944. Rear Admiral Oldendorf engaged a powerful detachment of the Japanese Fleet, consisting of battleships, cruisers and destroyers, and in a short but decisive action practically annihilated the enemy force. Fleeing remnants were closely pursued by units of his command which, with the aid of cooperating aircraft, completed their destruction. His personal courage, determination and perseverance were reflected in the outstanding performance of the force under his command, which resulted in a brilliant naval victory and incalculable damage to the enemy. Rear Admiral Oldendorf's high professional skill, forceful leadership, and gallant devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

Bureau of Naval Personnel Information Bulletin No. 337 (April 1945).

Navy Cross
Second World War (1939-1945)
Vice Admiral
Battleship Squadron 1, U.S. Navy
Awarded on:
July 2nd, 1948
Distinguished Service Medal - Army (DSM)
"For exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services to the Government of the United States, in a duty of great responsibility as Commander, Battleship Squadron ONE, during the landings at Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands and subsequent actions from 1 January to 15 February 1945."

Department of the Army, General Orders No. 46
Second World War (1939-1945)
Rear Admiral
"For exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States from 2 March 1942 to 2 July 1942 as Commander All Forces Aruba-Curacao and from 2 July 1942 to 19 April 1943 as Commander Trinidad Sector, Caribbean Sea Frontier, and Commandant of Naval Operating Base, Trinidad. Rear Admiral Oldendorf, by outstanding display of leadership, judgment and devotion to duty contributed to a major degree in the successful employment of the Naval surface forces and combined Army and Navy aircraft assigned to the Trinidad Sector of the Caribbean Sea Frontier in anti-submarine warfare. In addition he was responsible for the protection of convoys and other vital war shipping during belligerent operations; contributed notably in development of tactics employed in combating the submarine menace and coordinated and directed the efforts which resulted in marked improvement in the port efficiency and reduction in ship delays in the port of Trinidad."
Distinguished Service Medal - Navy/USMC
Second World War (1939-1945)
Rear Admiral
"For exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States while commander of fire support groups during the assault and capture of Japanese-held Saipan and Tinian from 14 June 1944 to 1 August 1944 and in participating in the bombardment of Guam during the same period. Rear Admiral Oldendorf displayed exceptional ability in organizing, training, and controlling his force, and his actions contributed materially to the success of the entire operations. Units under his command were highly successful in the naval bombardment of all objectives and in all types of gunfire. His personal courage, determination, and outstanding leadership throughout were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

Second DSM received as Gold Star on ribbon
Distinguished Service Medal - Navy/USMC
Second World War (1939-1945)
Vice Admiral
"For exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in a position of great responsibility to the Government of the United States during the two largest amphibious operations yet undertaken in the Southwest Pacific Area. Vice Admiral Oldendorf served as Commander Bombardment and Fire support Group for the invasion of Leyte on 20 October 1944. He directed the bombardment of enemy shore batteries so effectively that the landings were made with only light casualties. He served as Officer in Tactical Command in the Battle of Surigao Strait on 25 October 1944. Due to the excellence of his plans of battle and the skill of his direction, a crushing blow was delivered to the Japanese Task Force. Vice Admiral Oldendorf ably served as Commander Bombardment and Fire Support Group for the invasion of Lingayen Gulf on 9 January 1945. He effectively coordinated operations of all groups under his command. He directed the defense of shipping in the harbor against severe enemy aircraft attack. His outstanding performance of duty in these vital operations was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

Third DSM received as second Gold Star on ribbon
Distinguished Service Medal - Navy/USMC
Second World War (1939-1945)
Rear Admiral
"For exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States during the assault and occupation of enemy-held Roi and Namur Islands, Kwajalein Atoll, and Eniwetok Atoll of the Marshall Islands. He commanded the fire support group which bombarded enemy-held islands during the assault phases in both operations. In constricted waters he effectively maneuvered the ships of his group close to known shoals, and delivered supporting gunfire which reduced to a minimum the enemy opposition to the assault of our forces. His personal leadership, and smart handling of his ships, combined with a thorough knowledge of amphibious fire support problems, contributed in a large measure to the successful capture of Roi and Namur Islands and Eniwetok Atoll. His conduct was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."
Legion of Merit - US Military
Second World War (1939-1945)
Vice Admiral
"For exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States as Commander of the Fire Support Group in the assault on the strongly defended Japanese-held islands of Peleliu and Angarur from 12 September to 30 September 1944. The Fire Support Group was entrusted the mission of directing mine sweeping, underwater demolition, and shore bombardment preparatory to the assault. All of these missions were executed under continuous threat of, and often under, actual enemy fire. By rendering close range support of the minesweeping and underwater demolition unit Admiral Oldendorf made possible the accomplishment of these hazardous missions without loss. Under his direction, the shore bombardment, which was he heaviest in the Pacific up to the time, was exceptionally accurate, and was devastating to enemy shore defenses. Admiral Oldendorf's personal courage, his intelligent direction of his forces, and his inspiring leadership made a notable contribution to the success of an operation of great importance to our offensive against the enemy of this theater. His performance of duty throughout was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

Second LoM received as Gold Star on ribbon and Combat V device.
Legion of Merit - US Military
Second World War (1939-1945)

Second PH received as Gold Star on ribbon
Purple Heart
