Deall, John Howard
- Date of birth:
- March 26th, 1920 (Umtali, Rhodesia)
- Date of death:
- May 20th, 1999 (Harare, Zimbabwe)
- Service number:
- 778411 (NCO) / 80361 (Officer)
- Nationality:
- British
John Howard Deall also received the OBE (June 10th, 1961).
?: Temporary Warrant Officer;
May 1st, 1942: Pilot Officer (emergency);
November 1st, 1942: Flying Officer on probation (war subs.);
May 1st, 1944: Flight Lieutenant (war subs.);
May 28th, 1945 - September 2nd, 1945: Squadron Leader (war subs.);
?: Acting Wing Commander.
October 1940: RAF, Rhodesië;
?: No. 57 Operational Training Unit, Hawarden;
September 1941: No. 266 Squadron;
?: Staff No. 3 Operational Training Unit;
August 1944: Flight Commander No. 193 Squadron;
October 1944: Commanding Officer No. 266 Squadron;
March 1945: Commanding Officer No. 146 Wing;
?: Reserve Squadron Rhodesia;
October 1950: Southern Rhodesian Air Force;
1955: Royal Rhodesian Air Force;
? - 1976: Deputy Commander in the General Staff of the Air;
1976: Pensioen.
Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!
- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- Acting Flight Lieutenant
- Unit:
- No. 266 (Rhodesia) Squadron, Royal Air Force
- Awarded on:
- March 28th, 1944
"In air ope'rations this officer has displayed great skill, courage and determination, qualities which have been reflected in the efficiency of the flight he commands. In February, 1944, he participated in a sortie over Northern France. During the operation his section destroyed 6 enemy aircraft, 2 of which fell to Flight Lieutenant Deall's guns.
In this action, he led his formation with great resolution. On other occasions, Flight Lieutenant Deall has shared in the destruction of 4 enemy aircraft."
LG 36443/1443.
"Over North-western France, operating on fighter patrols, sorties against enemy shipping and on attacks on enemy airfields. During this tour he destroyed three enemy aircraft and damaged one. Since the award of the D.F.C. he took part in operations in support of the invasion of Normandy. As commanding officer of a squadron, Wing Cdr. Deall led many briljant and succesful missions, in the course of which he destroyed important Germand H.Q. at Dordrecht and Bilthoven. As Wing Commander Flying this officer has planned and led a number of important attacks. Many of his sorties have been hazardous in the extreme, and on all occasions he has displayed outstanding gallantry and devotion to duty."
LG 37265/4579.
"For having distinguished himself by deeds of initiative, courage and perseverance in one or more sorties in an aircraft against the enemy by his conduct als commanding officer of a Wing of R.A.F. fighters between February and May 1945 during hazardous attacks on ground targets. By his conduct he has strengthened the cause of the Dutch State."
Royal Decree No. 34.
Permission granted to wear the decoration on June 20th, 1947 (LG 37992/2799).
- Photo 1: Jack Shepherd
- - MEIJER, H.G. & VIS, R., Het Vliegerkruis, De Bataafsche Leeuw, Amsterdam, 1997.
- The London Gazette of 9th June 1942, Issue 35593
- Third Supplement to The London Gazette of 15th December 1942, Issue 35827, dated 18th December 1942
- Third Supplement to The London Gazette of 24th March 1944, Issue 36443 dated 28th March 1944
- Third Supplement to The London Gazette of 16th May 1944, Issue 36520, dated 19th May 1944
- Third Supplement to The London Gazette of 26th June 1945, Issue 37153, dated 29th June 1945
- Fourth Supplement to The London Gazette of 11th September 1945, Issue 37265 dated 14th September 1945
- Second Supplement to The London Gazette of 18th January 1946, Issue 37438, dated 22nd January 1946
- The London Gazette of 20th June 1947, Issue 37992
- Sixth Supplement to The London Gazette of 2nd June 1961, Issue 42375, dated 10th June 1961
- Flight Global - Archive
- The Dutch Medals Page