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Papen, von, Franz Joseph Hermann Michael Maria

Date of birth:
October 29th, 1879 (Werl/Westphalia, German Empire)
Date of death:
May 2nd, 1969 (Obersasbach/Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
Service number:
NSDAP-Nr. 5.501.100


30 May 1932 – 17 November 1932: Chancellor of the German Reich
30 January 1933 – 7 August 1934: Vice-Chancellor of Germany
August 1934 – February 1938: Ambassador of Germany to Austria
April 1939 – August 1944: Ambassador of Germany to Turkey

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First World War (1914-1918)
Hauptmann i. G.
Awarded on:
Eisernes Kreuz 1.Klasse (1914)
First World War (1914-1918)

With crossed sabers
Mecidiye Nişanı - 3rd Class
Awarded on:
July 20th, 1933

Conferred by Cardinal Pacelli, after signing the Reichskonkordat.
Ordine di Pio IX - Cavaliere di Gran Croce
Awarded on:
April 193
Ordine di Malta - cavalieri donati di III classe
Awarded on:
Ordo Equestris Sancti Sepulcri Hierosolymitani - Gran Croce
Botschafter in Österreich (Ambassador in Austria)
Awarded on:
March 13th, 1938
For his "services" to the "Anschluss".

Papen wrote in his memoir: "Abends verkünden die deutschen Sender, dass er mir das Goldene Parteiabzeichen verliehen habe".

Papen explained to forensic psychologist Gustave Mark Gilbert at the Nuremberg trial that Hitler had given him the Golden Party Badge to cover up the differences between the two.

When asked about the badge by his lawyer Dr. Egon Kubuschok, he said: "Perhaps I should have rejected this golden party badge at the time, because I was no longer in an official position and I would have had no reason to accept it. I had prepared to get involved in a state lawsuit because I had brought my files to Switzerland. So I accepted the badge. But I deny that this proves my membership in the council."
Goldenes Ehrenzeichen der NSDAP
Second World War (1939-1945)
Botschafter in Türkei (Ambassador in Turkey)
Awarded on:
August 15th, 1944

Presented by Hitler after the end of von Papen's diplomatic mission in Ankara in mid-August 1944.
Ritterkreuz des Kriegsverdienstkreuzes mit Schwertern
Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro - Cavaliere di gran croce
Grand Croix du l'Ordre de la Couronne de Chêne
Cruz del Mérito Militar Grand Cross
