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Baker, Warren H.



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Second World War (1939-1945)
2nd Lieutenant
Company A, 53rd Armored Engineer Battalion, 8th Armored Division "Thundering Herd", U.S. Army (Company A, 53rd Armored Engineer Battalion, 8th Armored Division "Thundering Herd", U.S. Army)
The Silver Star is presented to Warren H. Baker (0-552803), Second Lieutenant (Corps of Engineers), U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with the 8th Armored Division in Germany on 28 February 1945. During an advance, infantry and tanks were held up by a defended road block. Lieutenant Baker, on his own initiative, moved out three hundred yards under fire and reported the condition of the area. Lieutenant Baker, with two of his demolition men, cleared a lane through the mined area and removed the road block. He and one of his men were wounded during this action but continued until they completed their work. As a result of their actions, the command was able to accomplish its mission. His actions are in keeping with the highest traditions of the Military Forces of the United States. Hometown: Wilderville, Oregon.

G.O. No. 12, Hq. 8th Armd. Div., 22 March, 1945, Page 3.

Silver Star Medal (SSM)


  • - Leach, C.R., In Tornado’s Wake – A History of the 8th Armored Division, The Battery Press, Nashville, USA, 1992
