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Bicknell, Robert A.



Army Service Number: 01019196.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
2nd Lieutenant
Headquarters Company, 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division "Lucky Seventh", U.S. Army (Headquarters Company, 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division "Lucky Seventh", U.S. Army)
Second Lieutenant Robert A. Bicknell (Army Serial Number 01019196), Infantry, Headquarters Company, 31st Tank Battalion, United States Army, for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action on 27 August 1944, in the area of Provins, France. While proceeding to the town, the advanced guard of task force received fierce enemy fire from 88-cam guns, mortars, "bazookas", and machine gun emplaced therein. 2d Lt. Bicknell was in command of four assault gun tanks, With no regard for his own safety he dismounted from his half-track and directed the fire of his guns from the top of one of the tanks. During this time he was completely exposed to a heavy barrage coming from all directions. When the tank upon which he was mounted received a direct hit from an 88-cam gun, 2d Lt. Bicknell was blown off by the concussion. Although sustaining three wounds, he led two surviving members of the tank crew to safety through withering enemy fire. 2d Lt. Bicknell's gallantry and courage have been an inspiration to his men and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the Army.

Headquarters, 7th Armored Division, General Orders No. 47 (13 September 1944).
Silver Star Medal (SSM)

