- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- Acting Major
- Unit:
- Canadian Infantry Corps, Regina Rifle Regiment (Canadian Infantry Corps, Regina Rifle Regiment)
- Awarded on:
- January 16th, 1945
"On the evening of 8th February 1945, 1st Battalion, The Regina Rifle Regiment were assaulting the heavily defended town of Zyfflich, Germany. About 2030 hours, "C" company commanded by Captain (Acting Major) John Gordon Baird was detailed to pass through "B" Company and take the east part of the town. Supporting this operation was one troop of Sherman tanks.
Due to the flood conditions, Major Baird had to change his plan at the last moment and within thirty yards of the enemy he calmly made a reconnaissance and issued new orders. When close support was needed, he personally guided the tanks into position and directed their fire although he knew many of the enemy had been by-passed and were sniping in the town. Within two hours, "C" Company had taken their objective capturing over one hundred enemy including a company commander, and a battalion commander.
It was largely due to this officer's coolness under the most adverse conditions, his personal leadership and the complete disregard for his own personal safety that the battalion's attack was successful."