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Haenicke, Siegfried (General der Infanterie)

Date of birth:
September 8th, 1878 (Konstanz/Baden, Germany)
Date of death:
February 19th, 1946 (NKVD Special Camp No. 1, Mühlberg/Brandenburg, Germany)


13.03.1897: Sekondeleutnant
01.01.1899: Leutnant
18.05.1907: Oberleutnant
18.12.1912: Hauptmann
18.05.1920: Major
01.10.1925: Oberstleutnant
01.02.1929: Oberst
01.04.1932: Generalmajor
01.11.1939: Generalleutnant z.V.
01.04.1942: General der Infanterie z.V.

13.03.1897: Sekondeleutnant, 6. Pommersche Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 49, Gnesen
15.09.1900: Bataillonsadjutant, 6. Pommersche Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 49, Gnesen
01.10.1904-21.07.1907: Preußische Kriegsakademie
18.04.1913: Hauptmann, Stab, 1. Ermländischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 150, Allenstein
01.10.1913: Hauptmann, Kompaniechef, 1. Ermländischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 150, Allenstein
00.00.1914: Tannenberg
02.12.1914: Hauptmann, Kommandeur, II. Bataillon, 1. Ermländischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 150
19.08.1918: Führer, Ersatz-Bataillon, 1. Ermländischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 150
12.11.1918: Kommandeur, Feld-Rekrutendepot, 37. Division
12.01.1919: Kommandeur, II. Bataillon, 1. Ermländischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 150
00.00.1919: Führer, Freiwilligen-Bataillon "Haenicke"
01.05.1920: Stab, Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment 20
01.10.1920-30.09.1921: Major, Stab, 2. (Preußisches) Infanterie-Regiment
00.10.1921: Major, Stab, 1. Division, Königsberg
01.04.1924: Major, Lehrer, Zentrale Infanterieschule, München
00.00.1925: Oberstleutnant, Lehrgangsleiter, Infanterieschule, Dresden
01.10.1928: Oberstleutnant, Stab, 3. (Preußisches) Infanterie-Regiment, Deutsch Eylau
01.11.1930: Oberst, Kommandeur, 2. (Preußisches) Infanterie-Regiment
30.09.1932: retired as Generalmajor
00.05.1933-00.06.1935: Intendant des Reichssenders Königsberg
01.06.1938: reactivated
08.08.1939: Generalmajor z.V., Kommandeur, 61. Infanterie-Division, campaign in Poland with 3. Armee
01.11.1939: Generalleutnant z.V., Kommandeur, 61. Infanterie-Division, campaign in the West and in Russia
27.03.1942: Führerreserve
01.04.1942: General der Infanterie z.V., Führer, XXXVIII. Armeekorps
01.07.1942-30.09.1942: Führerreserve,
01.10.1942: Wehrkreis-Befehlshaber, Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Generalgouvernement
00.10.1943: commanded the repression of the munity in Sobibor concentration camp
31.01.1945: Führerreserve
08.05.1945: retired
20.07.1945: arrested by the Soviet authorities
00.09.1945-00.10.1945: Leiter, NKVD Special Camp Nr. 1 in Mühlberg

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Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz
First World War (1914-1918)
with war decoration
Militärverdienstkreuz III. Klasse
First World War (1914-1918)

Awarded with swords.
Ritter des Königlicher Preussischer Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
First World War (1914-1918)
Hauptmann (Captain)
Führer, II. Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment Nr.150, 1. Ermländisches
Awarded on:
June 14th, 1918
Pour le Mérite
First World War (1914-1918)
Awarded on:
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Second World War (1939-1945)
Generalleutnant zur Verwendung (Major-General)
Kommandeur, 61. Infanterie-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
September 17th, 1941
The following newspaper excerpt (dated 17.10.1941) describes why Haenicke received the Knight’s Cross…

“Generalleutnant Haenicke… has led his Division with great success in both the Polish and Western campaigns. In the more recent combat in the East his Division has again particularly distinguished itself during the fighting in Lithuania, Latvia and (above all) Estonia.

The Division has often born the brunt of the combat, and it has had a decisive share in all successes of the Korps. Especially noteworthy was its breakthrough of the toughly fortified and grimly defended Soviet positions near Tallinn, a maneuver that was made possible due to the skillful preparations that Generalleutnant Haenicke implemented following his own reconnaissance of the battlefield. His personal influence and leadership would also be essential in facilitating the Division’s successful penetration into Tallinn itself on the 28.08.1941.”
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
Second World War (1939-1945)
General der Infanterie zur Verwendung (Lieutenant-General of Infantry)
Kommandierender General, XXXVIII. Armeekorps, Heer
Awarded on:
September 4th, 1942
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold


  • Photo 1: Willi Schumacher Collection
  • - Die Ordensträger der Deutschen Wehrmacht - Der Führer: Das Hauptorgan der NSDAP Gau Baden (Edition 287)
