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Wright, John Roger Bodley

Date of birth:
Date of death:
November 13th, 1943
Buried on:
Commonwealth War Graves Naples British Cemetery
Plot: III. Row: O. Grave: 5.
Service number:


Entered Dragon School Oxford in 1930 and after that Bradfield College. From Bradfield he came to Worcester College to read Modern Greats. He joined the Army in September 1939.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Temporary Captain
7 Battalion, The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire
Awarded on:
January 13th, 1944
"For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in repelling the German attack against the defile west of Salerno.
Captain Wright's company held this vital position and was attacked by 15 German tanks and infantry. The position was extended and the country close. An important platoon position astride the road was captured by the enemy. Captain Wright immediately organized another position on the road. At least five tanks were knocked out near this position. Owing to breakdown ยท of communications, Captain Wright personally corrected the artillery fire, and it was entirely due to his corrections that the defensive fire was effective. Captain Wright visited his platoons, and those of the Queen's Royal Regiment under his command, under mortar and machine-gun fire, inspiring his men by his example and courage. The Germans repeatedly pressed their attack but failed to penetrate the position.
The conduct of this officer was beyond praise, and it was due to his calm judgement, courage and personal example that this vital position was held and the German attacks defeated."
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)

