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Farmer, John Hind

Date of birth:
January 12th, 1917 (London, United Kingdom)
Date of death:
October 29th, 2012 (Saint-Julien-en-Genevois/Haute-Savoive, France)
Service number:


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Temporary Major
F Section, Special Operations Executive (SOE), British Government
Awarded on:
June 21st, 1945
"Major FARMER was dropped by parachute early in 1944 to direct the activities of a Resistance Group of some twenty thousand men in four departments North West of the MASSIF CENTRAL. The day after his arrival the individual responsible for introducing him to the resistance organisation was arrested and Major FARMER was thrown onto his own resources.

Nevertheless he found the resistance leaders and immediately organised supply drops to the groups at CHARDESARNES, consisting of fourthousand men. By mid-June this force was becoming so strong that the enemy decided to destroy it. An attack was made, employing some ten thousand troops and supporting armour and aircraft, and in view of the weight of this attack Major FARMER ordered a dispersal during which he lost his wireless operator.

Undeterred by these setbacks Major FARMER immediately started to re-group his forces. He covered several hundred kilometres by cycle or on foot until he found a wireless operator to transmit to London. During this period Major FARMER had several narrow escapes from arrest. At one point he had to fight his way out of encirclement by the Milice and casualties were suffered by both sides.
Thanks to his efforts another wireless operator and further supplies were dropped. These he used to arm and instruct the groups at CERILLY.
Major FARMER led his own group in an attack on the enemy at MONT LUCON. Despite repeated energetic attacks and constant sniping, he was unable to overcome the enemy force before the arrival of relieving troops, but the withdrawal of this enemy force marked the final liberation of his area.
Throughout his mission Major FARMER worked with sustained energy, showing great initiative and capacity for re-building after many setbacks. His conduct particulary under enemy fire, made him respected and admired by those under his command. For his gallantry in leading his men and for his initiative in building up and directing activities against the enemy it is recommended that this officer be awarded the Military Cross.
Military Cross (MC)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
July 12th, 1996
"Former leader of a resistance group, member of associations of veteran resistance fighters, 46 years of professional, volunteer and military service activities."
Chevalier de l' Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur

