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France and Germany Star

The France & Germany Star was awarded for operational services in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany between June 6th, 1944 (D-Day) and the May 8th, 1945, (the German surrender). Operational service in the Royal and Merchant Navies in the English Channel, North Sea and Bay of Biscay in connection with the campaign in Northern Europe also qualified. Naval service off the coast of the South of France did not qualify for this award, but qualified fot the Italy Star.
RAF aircrews having taken part in an operational sortie over Europe between June 6th, 1944 and May 8th, 1945 as well as aircrews who flew operations over Europe from Mediterranean bases did not qualify for this award either but for the Italy Star.
Personnel qualifying for the France & Germany Star and the Atlantic Star, only received the first award with a suitably inscribed bar for the second attached to the ribbon.
The France & Germany Star is a six pointed star with the Royal Cipher ‘GRI VI’ on the obverse surmounted by a crown with the inscription ‘THE FRANCE AND GERMANY STAR’. The reverse is plain and blank and the award is issued unnamed.
The ribbon is 1.25 inches wide with three equal stripes of dark blue, white and red, representing the Union Jack and the flags of France and the Netherlands.

Aadland, Richard* September 5th, 1904
† February 12th, 1945
Plot: XXV Row: C Grave: 13

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Aadland, Richard05-09-190412-02-1945
Abbl, Ernest Edward20-04-192508-02-1945
Abigail, Leonard Delburt07-03-191518-09-1945
Abraham, Maurice Clyde20-02-192017-04-1945
Ackerman, Harold Albert 17-05-192511-04-1945
Adair, Allan Henry Shafto03-11-189704-08-1988more
Adair, Hugh24-08-192327-10-2013
Adams, Norman Marcus  
Aertsen, Servaas Klaas26-01-192225-12-1993more
Alcock, Wilfred Reginald 16-06-190919-02-1945
Alexander, Robert Wilfred20-08-192021-09-1944
Alexander, Thomas Ward04-11-192408-03-1945
Alguire, Wesley Oscar18-10-190524-02-1945
Allen, Arnold Howard05-01-192127-02-1945
Allen, Arnold Reilston19-07-192305-03-1945
Allen, Frederick Fernley Edmund12-12-191229-06-2005more
Allen, Harry Manley 24-11-192405-05-1945
Allen, Ronald James  more
Allen, Thomas William14-12-192220-09-1944more
Alto, William Wilfred06-04-191016-02-1945
Alvis, Reginald Samuel27-07-192208-03-1945
Amey, Harvey Herbert13-04-191017-02-1945
Andersen, Erik Frederik Rask07-04-192418-03-1945
Anderson, Alexander Leslie04-02-192427-02-1945
Anderson, Andy19-09-192523-02-2021
Anderson, Basil Donald 21-11-192107-03-1945
Anderson, F.  
Anderson, Hugh Henry27-02-192111-04-1945
Anderson, Jim 07-02-2019
Anderson, Lloyd Morley 05-05-191822-02-1945
Anderson, Ritchie 21-09-192104-04-1945
Anderson, Robert Thomas30-12-191905-10-2001
Anderson, Trueman William Albert 21-10-191509-02-1945
Anderson, William Charles27-10-192302-04-1945
Anderson, William Maurice Eyre "Bill"31-08-190813-12-1986
Andre, Albert Guy20-10-192102-03-1945
Andrew, Gordon Eugene 27-05-192527-02-1945
Andrew, Robert Murray 15-10-191313-03-1945
Andrewartha, Charles Donald "Andy"15-04-191606-09-1973more
Anger, Carl Leslie14-10-192311-02-1945
Annable, Harold Cecil05-01-191705-06-1983
Antoft, Otto Hjalmar21-02-191921-09-1944more
Antonowicz Andrault de Buy, Graf, Mikolaj15-01-191503-04-2000more
Appelboom, Machiel "Max"07-03-192405-11-2003more
Armstrong, Frank Guy 02-01-190222-01-1945
Armstrong, Frederick Finlay00-00-191804-11-1997more
Armstrong, Robert Norman11-12-192101-03-1945
Armstrong, Roy  
Armstrong, Walter Douglas09-12-191916-02-1945
Arnett, Francis Lewis Joseph14-03-191525-03-1945
Arthur, Lawrence  
Ash, Ralph Leonard 05-05-192702-03-1945
Ash, William Kenneth24-07-191719-02-1945
Ashford, James01-07-192327-03-1945
Ashmore, Norman Hugh Harry (Henry/Hugh)13-11-192109-11-2017more
Ashness, Albert  
Asplund, Bernard Allen08-03-192521-11-1944
Asselin, Joseph Robert Royal "Bob"19-05-191925-02-1945
Auchterlonie, James Laurence07-12-192413-04-1945
Audet, Rodrigue 12-07-192016-01-1945
Avey, Lloyd Glen11-01-191919-02-1945
Ayer, Donald Holman22-04-191204-03-1945
