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Redgrave, Ernest Albert

Date of birth:
September 26th, 1918 (Balmain/New South Wales, Australia)


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Second World War (1939-1945)
B Company, 2/31st Australian Infantry Battalion, 25th Australian Infantry Brigade, Australian Army
Awarded on:
April 22nd, 1943
"Private Redgrave is a member of B Coy and during the Battalion's attack on VARDU on 10 November 1942 his platoon encountered heavy fire from two Machine Gun posts - as a result of which three of his section became casualties. Pte Redgrave ran forward over open ground and silenced each enemy post with his Thomson Sub Machine Gun, thus allowing his platoon to go forward. In a further attack in morning of 11 November 1942 his section leader became a casualty, and he took over control of the section.

Shortly afterwards the Bren gunner was killed and Pte Redgrave ran over and operated the Light Machine Gun directing his fire on an area strongly held by the enemy, thus interfering with their fire and enabling his platoon to move forward. Later that afternoon the Battalion attacked enemy positions at GORARI with support of two Companies of 2/1 Battalion. The latter and also HQ Coy of this Battalion were pinned down by very heavy enemy fire from many enemy positions on the right flank. Pte Redgrave charged on these positions with his TSMG, killed four enemy, wounded others, disorganized the defense and enabled the attack to proceed to a successful conclusion. By his complete indifference to his own personal safety, his initiative, and quick grasp of the situation, he has been a source of inspiring leadership to his fellow men."
Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)

