"For meritorious achievement in connection with military operations in North Africa and Italy from November 1942 to December 1944. As Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General, Headquarters Movements Constantine District and Headquarters Movements Line of Communications Area from November 1942 to September 1943, Lieutenant Colonel Baker maintained closed liaison with United States Army and Military Railway Service units, and displayed great initiative and energy in organizing and controlling the Movement of Allied Military Traffic throughout the Constantino Division of the Chemine de Fer Algerion. Lieutenant Colonel Baker was largely responsible for the efficient and rapid rail movements of supplies and personnel to the United States II Corps and the British 1st Army, and later as Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General, Headquarters Movements, West Italy he displayed tireless energy in coordinating and controlling rail movements over the Pontecagnano-Salerno-San Giovanni district of the Italian State Railway. When Allied Force Headquarters assumed operational control over the movement of personnel and supplies in Italy, Lieutenant Colonel Baker, as British Movements Liaison Officer representing Allied Force Headquarters, maintained close contact with the Military Railway Service thereby creating a high degree of cooperation between these two headquarters. The great initiative, continued alertness, and whole-hearted cooperation displayed in his relationships with American Forces and the Military Railway Service contributed materially to the success of the Allied Armies in North Africa and Italy."