Preuß, Georg (Waffen SS)
- Date of birth:
- April 24th, 1920 (Danzig-Neufahrwasser/Westprussia, Germany)
- Date of death:
- February 3rd, 1991 (Clenze, Dalitz/Lowersaxony, Germany)
- Service number:
- SS-Nr.: 400.116 // NSDAP-Nr.:
- Nationality:
- German
Georg Preuß / Preuss
00.00.1933: Hitlerjugend
00.00.1937: joined the SS
00.04.1939: Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, LSSAH
00.09.1939: SS-Rottenführer, LSSAH, campaign in Poland, Bzura, Vistula, Warsaw
01.08.1940: promoted to SS-Unterscharführer
01.08.1940-19.02.1941: SS-Junker, SS-Junkerschule Braunschweig
20.04.1941: promoted to SS-Untersturmführer
00.05.1941: SS-Ustuf, Zugführer, IV. Bataillon, SS-Infanterie-Standarte
"Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"
00.06.1941: SS-Ustuf, Zugführer, III. Bataillon, Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, LSSAH - campaign in Russia
00.09.1942: SS-Ustuf, Zugführer, Kradzug, III. Bataillon, SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2, "LSSAH"
00.01.1943: SS-Ustuf, Zugführer, 13.
(gep.) Kompanie, SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2, 1. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"
20.04.1943: promoted to SS-Obersturmführer
00.00.1943-11.07.1943: SS-Ostuf, Chef, 12. Kompanie, III. Bataillon, SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2, 1. SS-Panzer-Division 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler' - Kursk
11.07.1943: WIA
00.08.1943: SS-Ostuf, Chef, camp for foreigners, Borgo San Dalmazzo
20.09.1943-00.05.1944: SS-Ostuf, Chef, 12. Kompanie, III. Bataillon, SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2, 1. SS-Panzer-Division 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler' - Kiev, Berditschew, Winniza, Tscherkassy and Tarnopol
00.05.1944-00.01.1945: SS-Ostuf, Chef, 10. Kompanie, III. Bataillon, SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2, 1. SS-Panzer-Division 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler'
21.06.1944: promoted to SS-Hauptsturmführer
00.12.1944: Battle of the Bulge / Ardennes
24.12.1944: WIA at La Gleize
00.04.1945-00.05.1945: SS-Hstuf, Führer, III. Bataillon, SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2, 1. SS-Panzer-Division 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler'
00.05.1945: US POW sentenced to death
00.00.1949: sentence commuted to life imprisonment
30.12.1956: released
Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!
- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- SS-Obersturmführer (Lieutenant)
- Unit:
- Führer, 10. Kompanie, III. Bataillon, SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2, 1.SS-Panzer-Division “Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler”, Waffen-SS
- Awarded on:
- February 5th, 1945
Preuß’s Knight’s Cross recommendation reads as follows…
“SS-Obersturmführer Preuß is an old member of the Leibstandarte and participant in the Polish and Russian campaigns as part of the ‘LSSAH’.
He has repeatedly stood out by his bravado and fearlessness. Up until now he has fought in 53 days of close combat.
During the operations of the armoured group of the ‘LSSAH’ in the time period 17.-24.12.1944, SS-Obersturmführer Preuß again proved himself as one of our best and brightest. He led the spearhead of the armoured group with incredible boldness and heavily contributed to the thrust and achievements of the armoured group. Constantly keeping the mission first and foremost, he advanced towards his objectives with the spearhead unit without hesitating for even a second. Preuß busted through Honsfeld (fully occupied by an American reconnaissance battalion) with only a few vehicles from his unit. The surprise of the Americans was so complete that the follow-up elements were able to quickly pacify the area.
Despite insane amounts of AA, MG and rifle fire, Preuß thrusted through Büllingen with just 2 SPWs, creating chaos and permitting the capture of the village by the armoured group. Vast quantities of guns, vehicles and equipment were captured by this act. When SS-Obersturmführer Preuß was forced to get off the march route due to the overwhelming enemy superiority, he pulled back into a forest, wiped out an American security outpost in close combat and after 24 hours was once again able to link up with the armoured group.
Extremely involved in all situations, he has distinguished himself in assault operations and reconnaissance drives again and again.
SS-Obersturmführer Preuß has dealt with all emerging difficulties with a quick mind and a decisive attitude that showed in all circumstances, and has been able to master the majority of these by his own actions.
On account of his singular accomplishments as the spearhead leader of the armoured group, I hold Preuß as one being worthy of receiving the award of the Knight’s Cross to the Iron Cross.”
- Photo 1: Willi Schumacher Collection
- - DöRR, M., Die Träger der Nahkampfspange in Gold, Heer - Luftwaffe - Waffen-SS 1943-1945, Biblio-Verlag, Bisendorf, 2006.
- FELLGIEBEL, W.P., Elite of theThird Reich, Helion & Company Limited, Solihull, 2003.
- KINDLER, W., Mit Goldener Nahkampspange, Munin-Verlag, 2010.
- PATZWALL, K. & SCHERZER, V., Das Deutsche Kreuz 1941-1945, Band II, Verlag Klaus D. Patzwall, Norderstedt, 2001.
- SCHNEIDER, J.W., Their Honor Was Loyalty!, Bender (R.James) Publishing, 1993.
- Die Ordensträger der Deutschen Wehrmacht (CD), VMD-Verlag GmbH, Osnabrück, 2002
- Microfilm Publication A3343. US National Archives