Career and promotions:
1902: Kadett, Potsdam and Lichterfelde;
22nd March 1909: Fähnrich, Infanterie-Regiment 26 Fürst Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau;
20th February 1910: Leutnant, Zugführer Infanterie-Regiment 26;
18th October 1915: Oberleutnant, Kompanieführer Infanterie-Regiment 26;
1917: Ausbildungs-Offizier, Offiziers-Aspiranten-Kurse, België;
18th October 1918: Hauptmann;
1919: Kompaniechef, Zeit-Freiwilligen-Regiment;
1920 transfer to the Polizei as Polizei-Hauptmann (with working from 20th February 1910), Sicherheits-Polizei, Berlin;
4th April 1928: Polizei-Major;
1st June 1929: Bereitschaftsführer Rev. Stellvertreter Berlin;
November 1932: Lehrer Polizeischule Brandenburg;
1934: Landespolizei;
1st April 1935: Polizei-Oberstleutnant, Abteilungskommandeur, Wetzlar;
June 1935: Ministerium des Inneren;
1st October 1935: Oberstleutnant (working order form 1st April 1935), Bataillons-Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 36, Giessen and Worms;
1st October 1936: Bataillons-Kommandeur III. / Infanterie-Regiment 115, Worms;
1st October 1937: Oberst;
10th November 1938: Kommandeur Grenz-Infanterie-Regiment 124, Trier;
October 1941: Sick bay, Führer-Reserve OKH;
1st November 1941: Generalmajor, Divisionsführer-Lehrgang;
22nd December 1941: Kommandeur 137.Infanterie-Division;
February 1942: severe head injury, Lazerett;
15th May 1942: Führerreserve, OKH;
1st June 1942: Kommandeur 137.Infanterie-Division;
1st January 1943: Generalleutnant;
15th October 1943: severely wounded at Kolpen, Rusland;
16th October 1943: Lazerett near Kolpen, passed away.
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