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Czechoslovakian (1918 - 1992)

Spotlighted out of 209 persons in the database

Ambrus, Jan Rozkazom* May 19th, 1899
† January 21st, 1994

Beneš, Edvard* May 28th, 1884
† September 3rd, 1948

Bergman, Vaclav* August 27th, 1915
† December 3rd, 2002

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Kalensky, Josef 11-04-1942
Kauders, Valter 10-01-1945
Keprt, Joseph28-06-191026-07-1976more
Klimes, Ladislav  
Klimt, Karl 16-10-1940
Knaf, Walter09-11-191908-12-1943
Kocyan, Frantisek "Frank"14-10-1923 
Kodes, Karel 11-04-1942
Kominek, Josef31-10-191308-06-1941
Konstacky, Vilem 23-06-1941
Kopecky, Vaclav14-09-191625-06-1978
Kopriva, Josef09-08-191223-06-1976
Korber, Karel26-10-191703-05-1943
Kothera, Zdenek16-03-191927-04-1942
Koukal, Josef06-05-191223-02-1980more
Kovarik, Bohuslav31-10-191500-00-1969more
Kovarik, Izidor29-03-191711-07-1944more
Kozelka, Jaroslav  
Kraus, Josef20-07-191117-08-1972
Kristufek, Emil  
Krkavec, Jan  
Krumei, Wolfgang (Aufklärungsgruppe 122)08-12-192207-05-1945more
Kubiš, Jan24-06-191318-06-1942more
Kucera, Otmar13-07-191406-06-1995more
Kuhn, Josef21-12-191405-10-1945
Kulová, Rosaria04-06-188704-04-1945
Kunka, Karel27-07-191325-09-1940
Kuttelwascher, Karel Miroslav23-09-191617-08-1959more
Kvapil, Karel 10-01-1945