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Memorial Victims Concentration Camp Mauthausen

This monument is located on the wall of a watchtower at the main entrance of Mauthausen concentration camp. On it are the casualty numbers by country with the following text above it:

"An dieser Stelle befand sich vom Juni 1938 bis 5 Mai 1945 das Konzentrationslager Mauthausen. Hier und in den Nebenlagern wurden von den Nationalsozialistischen Henkersknechten 122.766 Häftlinge Bestialisch Hingemordet."

"On this site, from June 1938 to 5 May 1945, the concentration camp Mauthausen was located. Here and in the subcamps, 122,766 prisoners were bestially murdered by the National Socialist executioners."

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  • Text: TracesOfWar
  • Photos: Koos Winkelman

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