On the night of October 2 to 3, 1942, the De Vecht work camp was emptied by the GrĂ¼ne Polizei. This work camp was located between the railway line and the Rechtensedijk. About 180 to 190 male residents were put on the train in Dalfsen to Westerbork. From there they were transported to the concentration and extermination camps. Especially to Auschwitz and Sobibor. Very few of them survived.
The Historical Circle Dalfsen has taken the initiative to create a monument as a lasting and tangible reminder of what happened to them.
The monument was designed by artist Koosje Zomer and is located at the station in Dalfsen.
Work camp De Vecht was probably built in 1937 and was located between therechteren Dijk and the railway line, just outside Dalfsen towards Vilsteren.
The location was also called the "Rabbit Forest" by the Dalfsen residents. It had a capacity of 192 beds and was one of the larger labor camps. Unemployed people from the cities of Twente were employed in the camp. De Vecht was easily accessible by train: the camp was a few hundred meters away from Dalfsen station.
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