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Open Air Information Center The Lost Transport

Opposite the general and Jewish cemetery in Tröbitz are information panels telling the story of "The Lost Transport." On 10 April 10 1945, a final train transport of Jewish prisoners left Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Packed tightly into the wagons, which because of inadequate sanitation were soiled within hours, the already weakened and sick evacuees awaited a miserable journey to a destination unknown to them.

In fourteen days the train, which constantly had to stop to give way to other trains or to take cover from bombing raids, traveled first toward Hamburg, then across devastated Berlin before finally stranding near the village of Tröbitz. Along the way and in the first weeks after arrival, of the 2,500 people on board, about 500 would die, many as a result of typhoid fever.

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51.59381378, 13.42332807