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Dutch War Graves Municipal Cemetery Marum

On the Municipal Cemetery of Marum are 19 war graves. For 17 victims is a joint tomb placed. They participated in the April-May strike of 1943. The other two victims are in an individual grave.
Since October 18, 2008 Broer de Witte has its own memorial in Marum, part of the monument of the eighteen other victims of the April-Meistakingen.
The names of the 19 victims are:

Roelof Appelhof, farmer
born 12-03-1914, 24-02-1945 deceased

Berend Assies, farmer
born 01-05-1914, 03-05-1943 executed

Geert Jan Diertens, farmhand
born 18-05-1923, 03-05-1943 executed

Jan Doornbosch, farmhand
born 01-05-1922, 03-05-1943 executed

Karst Doornbosch, farmhand
born 23-02-1919, 03-05-1943 executed

Johannes Glas, baker
born 07-04-1919, 03-05-1943 executed

Albert Hartholt, farmer
born 13-04-1917, 03-05-1943 executed

Andries Hartholt, farmer
born 12-03-1880, 03-05-1943 executed

Dirk Hartholt, farmer
born 16-04-1916, 03-05-1943 executed

Hendrik Hartholt, farmer
born 13-08-1925, 03-05-1943 executed

Euwe de Jong, farmer
born 04-10-1901, 03-05-1943 executed

Friedrich Ludwig van de Riet, representative
born 15-02-1915, 03-05-1943 executed

Andries Sikkinga, factory
born 30-01-1914, 03-05-1943 executed

Gerrit van der Vaart, farmhand
born 11-04-1923, 03-05-1943 executed

Sibbele de Wal, farmer
born 21-09-1908, 03-05-1943 executed

Jelle van der Wier, farmer
born 04-10-1920, 03-05-1943 executed

Steven van der Wier, without occupation
born 12-05-1929, 03-05-1943 executed

Uitze van der Wier, farmer
born 21-05-1917, 03-05-1943 executed

Broer de Witte, farmer
born 07-07-1923, 03-05-1943 executed

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