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War monument Boxmeer

This memorial commemorates the perished residents of Boxmeer.

Text on the memorial: "1940 - 1945 ... never forget ..."

Fallen for the Fatherland 1940-1945

Claassen, Wim, 34 yr, Grebbeberg, 5/13/40
Groenevelt, Teun, 27 yrs old, Missing, 30-09-44
Jansen, Jan, 21 yrs old, Boxmeer, 04-02-45
Kaauwen, Frans van, 35 yrs old, Nijmegen, 18-12-47
Kroezen, Herman, 25 yrs, Missing, 31-05-45
Nabbe, Toon, 25 yr, Missing, 10-10-44
Oostlander, Marinus, 20 yrs old, Sambeek, 08-10-44
Verberkt, Jan, 23 yrs old, Boxmeer, 30-09-44
Verkade, Paul, 31 yr, Missing, 9/23/44

Victims of war or Nazi terror 1940-1945

Ankersmit, Henny, 25 yr, Neheim-Hüsten, 5/17/43
Ankersmit, Leo, 16 yrs, Boxmeer, 09/26/44
Ankersmit, Tinus, 62 yrs, Boxmeer, 10-07-65
Doctor, Truus, 23 yrs, Nijmegen, 12/22/44
Arts-van Tilborg, Riek, 39 yrs old, Boxmeer, 28-09-44
Berg, Bert van de, 43 yrs old, Duisburg, 04/26/44
Best, Wim de, 33 yr, Nijmegen, 22-02-44
Blankenstein, Rolf, 18 yrs old, Sobibor, 09-07-43
Bloem, Rie, 32 yrs, Venraij, 23-10-44
Cohen, Betsy, 39 yr, Auschwitz, 03-09-42
Essers, Hein, 28 yrs, Nijmegen, 02-22-44
Ewals, Martien, 22 yrs, Wetter, 02/15/45
Frank, Moritz, 53 yr, Auschwitz, 9-3-42
Frank-Oster, Selma, 50 yr, Auschwitz, 09-3-42
Franken, Aron, 61 yr, Sobibor, 5/14/43
Franken, Horst, 21 yrs old, Sobibor, 09-07-43
Gemert, Marietje van, 14 yrs old, Eindhoven, 03/30/43
Gemert, Willy van, 16 yrs old, Eindhoven, 03/30/43
Gottlieb, Samuel, 50 yr, Sobibor, 5/28/43
Gottlieb-Marx, Karolien, 47 yr, Sobibor, 5/28/43
Gottlieb, Juus, 16 yr, Sobibor, 07/23/43
Gottlieb, Max, 8 yrs, Sobibor, 5/28/43
Groenewoud, Josje, 7 yrs old, Rijkevoort, 26-12-44
Hooft, Cor van, 19 yr, Neheim-Hüsten, 17-05-43
Jacob, Jacob, 72 yrs old, Auschwitz, 26-01-43
Jacob, Saar, 70 yr, Sobibor, 02-07-43
Jacob, Albert, 66 yr, Sobibor, 02-07-43
Jacob-Franken, Bela, 66 yr, Sobibor, 02-07-43
Jacob, Juul, 35 yr, Sobibor, 02-07-43
Jacob-Bouman, Ans, 47 yr, Sobibor, 02-07-43
Kranz, Karl, 25 yr, Ostiglia, 04/23/45
Lion, Ben, 88 yr, Auschwitz, 11/27/42
Lion, Mau, 81 yr, Camp Vught, 04-25-43
Lion, Trees, 81 yrs, Camp Vught, 22-04-43
Lion, Joseph Levi, 74 yr, Sobibor, 5/14/43
Lion, Joseph Silo, 71 yr, Sobibor, 03/13/43
Lion-Löwenberg, Jülchen, 65 yrs old, Sobibor, 03/13/43
Lion, Ernst, 34 yr, Bobrek, 5/13/43
Lion, Roos, e / v vd Woude, 68 yrs, Auschwitz, 15-10-42
Oster, Raphael, 87 yr, Sobibor, 5/14/43
Oster-Windmüller, Roos, 77 yr, Sobibor, 21-05-43
Oster, Paul, 43 yr, Poland, 3/31/44
Peters, Toon, 25 yr, Neheim-Hüsten, 17-05-43
Raaij, Hennie van, 36 yrs old, Heijen, 04-06-80
Rosmalen, Frans, 50 yrs old, Zöschen, 13-12-44
Schaminée, Jan, 14 yrs, Boxmeer, 09-27-44
Schaminée, Martien, 18 yr, Goch, 11/16/42
Smeets, Ben, 29 yrs old, Boxmeer, 13-10-44
Thijssen, Sister Maria, 48 yrs old, Boxmeer, 06-08-48
Verdijk, Piet Sr, 64 yrs, Boxmeer, 24-10-44
Verdijk, Piet Jr, 22 yrs, Boxmeer, 24-10-44
Versleijen, Nol, 47 yrs old, Vierlingsbeek, 03-10-44
Vosters, Sem, 33 yr, Indian Ocean, 09/18/44
Wijze, Albert de, 60 yrs old, Sobibor, 29-05-43
Wise-Lion, Saar de, 68 yr, Auschwitz, 02/12/44
Wijze, Zus de, 34 yrs, Auschwitz, 13-09-42
Wijze, Frits de, 30 yr, Auschwitz, 12-02-44
Wijze, Louis de, 58 yr, Auschwitz, 17-09-43
Wijze-Groenewoudt, Lea de, 48 yrs old, Auschwitz, 17-09-43
Wijze, Elly de, e / v van Beek, 23 yrs old, Auschwitz, 12-02-43
Wijze, Kitty de, 22 yrs, Auschwitz, 12/15/42
Wijze, Joke de, 20 yrs, Auschwitz, 15-12-42
Wijze, Tiny de, 19 yr, Auschwitz, 17-09-43
Wijze, Tina de, e / v Zendijk, 55 yrs old, Auschwitz, 05-02-43
Wijze, Simon de, 52 yrs old, Auschwitz, 03-12-42
Wijze-Goslinski, Saar de, 48 yr, Auschwitz, 03-12-42
Wijze, Jaap de, 51 yr, Auschwitz, 19-02-43
Wijze-Katan, Saar de, 49 yrs, Auschwitz, 19-02-43
Zeegers, Piet, 37 yrs old, Strasbourg, 06-09-44

Cases for the fatherland in the Dutch East Indies 1945-1950 or in Dutch New Guinea 1950-1962

Hendriks, Hub, 20 yrs, Palembang, 02-04-48
Muller, Mathieu, 20 yrs, Poerwodadi, 04-05-49
Schaminée, Hub, 22 yrs old, The Hague, 24-02-49
Verheijen, Pierre, 19 yrs old, Hollandia, 5/14/58

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: STIWOT
  • Photos: Martijn Grob

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