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Monument of reflection Delden

On the 29th of March 1943 ten Jewish people, 9 adults and 1 baby left from the station in Delden on their final journey. First of all to Vught, where two of them, mother Jacobs and baby Selma, soon died.
The others passed away that same year in Sobibor. These were: Meijer and Roosjen van Gelder (brother and sister), mrs. Hilsum, mother Kaatje de Leeuw with her two "teens" Leo, 16 and Gientje, 13, grandmother Rebekka Menko and her daughter-in-law Mathilde.

The statue of these ten people has the intention to make the current travelers of the station aware of the history and remember them that for them there is a way back.

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Leo G. Lensen
  • Photos: Leo G. Lensen

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