The War Illustrated, Volume 1, No. 1, Page 8, September 16, 1939.
In the interval that elapsed between the Crisis of September 1938 and that of a year later, Britain made vast strides in the preparing for that war which all men of good will still believed might, and should, be averted. Conscription was introduced an unprecedented step in the peace-time so far as this country is concerned ; the Territorial Army was brought up to full strength and then doubled ; and in the field of A.R.P. gas-masks were distributed to all and shelters constructed in which the people might take refuge from air attack.
In the Crisis of 1938 – that crisis which had its origin in German aggression against Czecho-Slovakia and its outcome in the Munich Conference which dismembered the little republic – Britain’s materia
Rt. Hon. NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN, P.C., M.P. Born in in 1869, second son of Joseph Chamberlain, our Prime Minister was appointed Directory-General of National Service in 1916. Postmaster-General in 1922,