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Volume 1 - No. 1 - September 16, 1939

Jottings from the Editor's Wartime Diary


Jottings from the Editor's Wartime Diary

When the Great War of 1914 came upon us it was my privilege to originate a weekly chronicle of the activities in every field of action, and to conduct that record for four and a half years. It was ent

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Why We Are At War


Why We Are At War

Confronted by the record in other pages if the things Hitler has said and the things he has done, the reader will be in small doubt as to the immediate reasons which have compelled Britain to go to wa

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Britain's First Air Raid Warnings


Britain's First Air Raid Warnings

Half an hour after the war began, Britain received her first air raid warning. Everywhere in London and the southern and eastern counties the sirens wailed their note of warning. Surprised and hard

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Britain is at Full Strength by Air Land and Sea


Britain is at Full Strength by Air Land and Sea

In the Crisis of 1938 – that crisis which had its origin in German aggression against Czecho-Slovakia and its outcome in the Munich Conference which dismembered the little republic – Britain’s m

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Britain's Home Defences Were All Ready


Britain's Home Defences Were All Ready

In the interval that elapsed between the Crisis of September 1938 and that of a year later, Britain made vast strides in the preparing for that war which all men of good will still believed might, and

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Britain's War Cabinet


Britain's War Cabinet

Rt. Hon. NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN, P.C., M.P. Born in in 1869, second son of Joseph Chamberlain, our Prime Minister was appointed Directory-General of National Service in 1916. Postmaster-General in 1922,

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The Children's Trek to Safety


The Children's Trek to Safety

Among Britain’s emergency preparations was the evacuation of large numbers of children, mothers, and sick and infirm folk from the overcrowded cities. These pictures illustrate the great move procee

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A Triumph of British Civilian Organization


A Triumph of British Civilian Organization

In the four days ending Monday, Sept. 4, 650,000 schoolchildren and others were evacuated from Greater London. No tribute was more highly earned than that paid by Mr. Herbert Morrison, M.P., Leader of

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The Dastardly Sinking of the 'Athenia'


The Dastardly Sinking of the 'Athenia'

Hardly had the world realized that war had again begun when it received with a thrill of horror the news that the German U-boats had claimed their first victim. Without a word of warning, a passenger

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Britain's Royal Navy


Britain's Royal Navy

"The royal navy of England," wrote Sir William Blackstone, "has ever been its greatest defence and ornament ; it is its ancient and natural strength ; the floating bulwark of the island." The statemen

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Danzig and the Men Who Betrayed It


Danzig and the Men Who Betrayed It

Situated at the mouth of the Vistula, great river of Eastern Europe, stands Danzig, the city which was the final objective in Hitler’s campaign of aggression. For centuries it has been a centre of e

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Poland Resolute Against the German Might


Poland Resolute Against the German Might

If you want a symbol of Poland in arms you will find it not in speeding aircraft, marching masses of infantry, rumbling tanks and mechanized artillery, but in a trooper of the national cavalry. Alert,

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Odd Facts About The War


Odd Facts About The War

Grey Hairs for the Firing Line "I watched columns of older reservists march to the trains that were to carry them to points near the Polish border. There was no flag waving, no military bands. The me

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Hitler's Six-year Campaign of Lies


Hitler's Six-year Campaign of Lies

No British statesman knows Hitler so well as Mr. Chamberlain, and we have it on his authority that Hitler’s "word is, for us, not worth the paper it is written on." Below are some of the most outsta

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The two 'Scraps of Paper'


The two 'Scraps of Paper'

One scrap of paper’ brought Britain into the last war – A written engagement that Germany refused to believe that Britain would keep. Another, signed only in September, 1938, was the ‘No More Wa

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These Men Sought War


These Men Sought War

Adolf Hitler, born an Austrian, became the apostle of Pan-Germanism, Chancellor of the Reich since 1933 he has established his power on the doctrine of Mailed Fist. Party leader Rudolph Hess has fr

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And These Are They Who Sought Peace


And These Are They Who Sought Peace

Neville Chamberlain, Britain's Prime Minister, comes first among those who made a noble stand for peace. Queen Wilhelmina of Holland joined in the appeal of King Albert and the Oslo Powers to Hitle

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Words That History Will Remember


Words That History Will Remember

A Record of the Vital Declarations and Solemn Statements of the World's Leaders. Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1939 King Leopold of the Belgians: Broadcasting in the name of the King of Denmark, the Presid

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Slavs and Slaves Shake Hands


Slavs and Slaves Shake Hands

In a last effort at intimidation, Hitler broke completely with his traditional policy and allied himself with the "Bolshevik murderers" he had so often denounced. For years – since, indeed, the l

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Germany on the Eve of the Nazi Betrayal


Germany on the Eve of the Nazi Betrayal

When, a week before the invasion of Poland, the correspondents of the British press were withdrawn from Berlin, a curtain descended upon Germany, cutting it off, as it were, from the outside world. Oc

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The Audacious Raid - R.A.F. Bombs German Fleet


The Audacious Raid - R.A.F. Bombs German Fleet

Hardly had a state of war between Britain and Germany come into operation when on Sept 4th the R.A.F. began its offensive. Sweeping across the North Sea, bombers raided the German fleet and did damage

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Our Diary of the War


Our Diary of the War

Wednesday, August 23, 1939 German-Soviet Pact of Non-Aggression signed in Moscow by Von Ribbentrop and Molotoff, in presence of Stalin. Sir Neville Henderson , British Ambassador to Germany, deliver

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The Volunteers Who Serve Their Country


The Volunteers Who Serve Their Country

In this page we give week by week particulars of Britain’s Auxiliary Serves in which men and women may play their part as Volunteers, whether part time or full time, in the work of National Defence.

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