In the third week of July the general situation had become grave and alarming. Germany's 1942 offensive had developed in even greater strength than was expected. Although it had been evident that du
On July 7 China entered upon the sixth year of her heroic resistance to the Japanese invader. The struggle to which the Japanese referred to at first half-contemptuously as an "incident" has develope
The air war has raged without interruption over the Far East, in the Australasian zone, on the Russian front (where our Allies estimate that more than 3,000 enemy aircraft were destroyed during the tw
A celebrated Frenchman of letters, who has written widely in the critical journals of Paris and London and did work of the greatest value to Anglo-French relationships during the War of 1914-18, sends
Before they cross the Atlantic, American soldiers are given an official War Department publication called "A Short Guide to Great Britain." As will be seen from the extracts given below, it is writte
By way of the companion to the above, here are some of the most interesting paragraphs from a small blue-covered pamphlet, "Notes For Your Guidance," which is handed to every young Briton who goes to
Since my last article was written, the outstanding event at sea has been the brief and abortive excursion into the Barents Sea of the German squadron from Trondheim, comprising the 40,000-ton battlesh
Written by George Fabri, a correspondent of The War Illustrated in Malta, this article tells of the ordeal to which the gallant Maltese nation has been, and is still being, subjected to at the hands o
Released with other American journalists in May 1942, after five months' internment in Germany, Joseph W. Grigg, Jr., describes in the following article, reprinted from The Spectator, the differences
A few hours before General Ritchie gave the order to evacuate Bir Hacheim on June 10, a French correspondent sent this last message from the beleaguered garrison. We reprint it by courtesy of La Franc
How men sang and joked in the oily sea while awaiting rescue after the torpedoing of the cruiser Hermione in the Mediterranean convoy battles in June was described by survivors who reached Alexandria.
1,040th day JULY 8, 1942, Wednesday Sea.- Moscow announced that German battleship Tirpitz had been torpedoed and damaged by Soviet submarine in Barents Sea. Air.- Strong force of R.A.F. bombers raid
No matter how long the war goes on (and that's a subject on which now that I am far more optimistic I find some of the early optimists taking longer views!) the story of Malta will retain its epic qua