The War Illustrated, Volume 6, No. 134, Page 127, August 7, 1942.
1,040th day JULY 8, 1942, Wednesday
Sea.- Moscow announced that German battleship Tirpitz had been torpedoed and damaged by Soviet submarine in Barents Sea.
Air.- Strong force of R.A.F. bombers raided Wilhelmshaven at night.
Russian Front.- Russians evacuated Stary Oskol; fighting still going on west of Voronezh.
Mediterranean.- Day and night raids on Malta.
Africa.- In El Alamein sector our fighting patrols took some prisoners.
Burma.- R.A.F. bombers made intensive attacks on Jap-occupied territory.
1,041st day JULY 9, Thursday
Sea.- Russians sank two transports and tanker in Baltic.
Russian Front.- Stubborn fighting west of Voronezh and round Rossosh.
Mediterranean.- Thirteen enemy aircraft shot down over Malta.
Africa.- Our mobile columns engaged enemy units and forced them to move northwards.
China.- Chinese recaptured Nancheng, Ilhuang, Tsungjen and Changsuchen.
Australia.- Allied aircraft raided Dilli in Portuguese Timor.
1,042nd day JULY 10, Friday
Sea.- British submarine sank two enemy supply ships in Mediterranean.
Russian Front.- Rossosh evacuated by Russians; fighting round Kazemirovsk, to the south.
Africa.- At El Alamein our troops attacked in northern sector and made five-mile advance; in southern sector enemy advancing eastwards was engaged.
China.- Japs made new landing in Chekiang at Juian, near Wenchow.
Australasia.- Jap bombers made heavy attack on barracks and shipping at Port Moresby.
1,043rd day JULY 11, Saturday
Air.- Several squadrons of Lancaster bombers attacked submarine building yards at Danzig and Flensburg by day.
Russian Front.- Fierce fighting on outskirts of Voronezh; battles also raging at Kantemirovka and Lisichansk.
Africa.- Our troops in northern sector consolidated positions in captured territory; 2,000 prisoners taken. Light naval units and naval aircraft attacked Mersa Metruh.
China.- Japs occupied Wenchow on Chekiang coast; Chinese recaptured Futou Island near Foochow.
U.S.A.- Jap cruiser bombed at Kiska, Aleutians.
Australasia.- Jap bombers attacked shipping at Port Moresby, where, it was announced, American troops are stationed.
1,044th day JULY 12, Sunday
Russian Front.- Russians evacuated Kantemirovka and Lisichansk; fighting at approaches to Voronezh and in neighbourhood of Boguchar.
Africa.- Enemy attack driven off in northern sector. Heavy raid by R.A.F. on Tobruk.
Burma.- R.A.F. bombers attacked Jap concentrations in Kalewa area.
1,045th day JULY 13, Monday
Sea.- Announced in Canada that three Allied ships had been torpedoed and sunk in Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Air.- Strong force of bombers attacked Ruhr by night.
Russian Front.- Fierce fighting round Voronezh and Boguchar; further Russian withdrawal east of Lisichansk.
Africa.- Enemy tank and infantry attacks beaten off in northern sector.
1,046th day JULY 14, Tuesday
Russian Front.- Fierce fighting round Voronezh and Boguchar.
Africa.- Enemy tanks and infantry attacked at Tel el Eisa.
Australasia.- Allied air units raided Alor Island, off Timor, and aerodrome at Salamaua, New Guinea.
General.- Vichy rejected proposals by President Roosevelt for removal of immobilized French warships at Alexandria to a safe port.
General DeGaulle's movement changed its name to "Fighting France" (La France Combattante).
1,047th day JULY 15, Wednesday
Sea.- Our light coastal forces destroyed a heavily-escorted enemy tanker off French coast.
Air.- Nearly 200 Spitfires took part in intensive fighter sweeps over N. France.
Russian Front.- Russians announced evacuation of Boguchar and Millerovsk; heavy fighting round Voronezh.
Africa.- In central sector our forces captured ridge to S. of El Alamein. In north enemy were partially successful at Tel el Eisa.
Burma.- R.A.F. bombers renewed attacks at Kalewa.
1,048th day JULY 16, Thursday
Air.- Sterling bombers made daylight attack on submarine building yards at Lübeck and Flensburg. The Ruhr was also raided by day.
Russian Front.- Fighting continued in area of Voronezh.
Africa.- Tank battle developed in central sector for possession of Ruweisat ridge.
Burma.- R.A.F. made low-level attacks on Akyab.
China.- Chinese recaptured Tsingtien in Chekiang. Allied bombers raided Hankow.
1,049th day JULY 17, Friday
Air.- Single aircraft of Bomber Command raided the Ruhr in daylight.
Russian Front.- Fighting round Voronezh and S.E. of Millerovsk.
Africa.- Efforts to dislodge our troops in northern sector failed. Tobruk raided in force by heavy bombers, while our naval aircraft and light naval forces attacked Mersa Matruh.
China.- Chinese recaptured Wenchow and Juian.
U.S.A.- Washington announces that Japs have occupied undefended islands of Kiska, Attu and Agattu in Aleutians.
1,050th day JULY 18, Saturday
Air.- Lancaster bombers raided the Ruhr in daylight. Russian bombers attacked Königsberg.
Russian Front.- Fighting continued round Voronezh and S. of Millerovsk.
Africa.- In central sector our troops advanced along Ruweisat ridge. Tobruk raided by our heavy bombers and Mersa Matruh bombarded by our naval forces.
Burma.- R.A.F. bombers made attacks in Kalemyo area.
China.- Chinese recaptured Hengfeng and Iyangin in eastern Kiangsi. Allied bombers made surprise attack on aerodrome at Canton.
1,051st day JULY 19, Sunday
Air.- Large-scale attacks by our bombers and fighters in N. France. By night four-engined bombers raided submarine building yards at Vegesack, near Bremen.
Russian Front.- Evacuation of Voroshilovgrad announced by Russians; fighting continued in Voronezh area and S. of Millerovsk.
Africa.- Our troops maintained their positions in all sectors. Since July 14 4,000 prisoners taken.
China.- Allied air force bombed Jap headquarters at Linchuan. Chinese recaptured Chienteh in western Chekiang.
1,052nd day JULY 20, Monday
Sea.- Admiralty announced loss of H.M whaler Cocker and H.M trawler Kingston Ceylonite.
Air.- Russian bombers again raided Königsberg.
Russian Front.- In region of Voronezh the Russians captured a bridgehead.
Africa.- Patrol activity on land; large-scale air attack on enemy aerodrome near Fuka. Navy again bombarded Mersa Matruh.
China.- Japs recaptured Wenchow.
Burma.- R.A.F. renewed their attacks on Akyab.
Australasia.- Jap bombers damaged aerodrome in raid on Port Moresby.
1,053rd day JULY 21, Tuesday
Air.- R.A.F. fighters made low-level attacks in occupied France and Belgium. Single aircraft raided N.W. Germany by day; strong force of bombers raided Duisburg and the Ruhr by night.
Russian Front.- Fighting continued in area of Voronezh and S.E. of Voroshilovgrad.
Mediterranean.- Allied bombers made daylight raid on shipping in Suda Bay, Crete.
Africa.- N.Z., Indian and S. African infantry launched attack on enemy positions during the night.
Burma.- R.A.F. attacked coastal craft in Akyab area and Jap base at Kalewa.
Australasia.- Allied bombers attacked Jap convoy off New Guinea.
U.S.A.- Navy Dept. announced that American submarines had sunk three more Jap destroyers near Kiska.
999th day MAY 28, 1942, Thursday Russian Front - Fierce German attack repelled in Izyum-Barvenkovo sector. Mediterranean - Aerodrome at Catania, Sicily, raided by R.A.F. Africa - Heavy fighting bet
1,277th day of War against Japan, JUNE 6, Wednesday Ryukyu Island.U.S. Marines captured whole of Naha airfield, Okinawa.Brazil.State of war between Brazil and Japan announced. 1,278th day, JUNE
How men sang and joked in the oily sea while awaiting rescue after the torpedoing of the cruiser Hermione in the Mediterranean convoy battles in June was described by survivors who reached Alexandria.
No matter how long the war goes on (and that's a subject on which now that I am far more optimistic I find some of the early optimists taking longer views!) the story of Malta will retain its epic qua