It is high time to stop using the term Second Front. It has long ceased to be accurate, though it conveniently defined out strategic aims. Now that those aims have taken concrete shape we should, I
Though certain of the details have still to be filled in, enough is now known of the Allies invasion of Normandy to make it plain that it is the greatest as well as the most successful combined oper
An 80-mile breach in the vaunted West Wall on the Normandy coast lies at the back of our Armies in France. It can now be revealed how, in fantastic circumstances, British scientists stole the beach
No less renowned a warrior than Marshal Stalin has paid tribute to the brilliant success of our assault on Western Europe. “In the whole history of war”, he said, “there was not been any such
Allied Tanks and Equipment Pour into Normandy Shepherded across the English Channel by the Allied Navies under Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay, tanks and equipment in ever-increasing quantities lan
Canadians Contribute to the Haul of Prisoners In six days from the landing prisoners numbered 10,000. This wayside station in Normandy (top) was a German strongpoint. It is now in Canadian han
The situation today is that these landings that we have made on the coast of Normandy have all been joined up into a solid line – a continuous lodgement area from right to left. The violence
Armour of the 5th Army rolls past the ancient Colosseum in Rome, which our triumphant troops occupied on the night of June 4, 1944, while cheering Italians line the pavement. Before the liberators,
How went the first hours of D-Day? In these personal stories glimpses are give of some of the actions and incidents that made June 6, 1944, memorable as the actual commencement of the greatest comb
How went the first hours of D-Day? In these personal stories glimpses are give of some of the actions and incidents that made June 6, 1944, memorable as the actual commencement of the greatest comb
How went the first hours of D-Day? In these personal stories glimpses are give of some of the actions and incidents that made June 6, 1944, memorable as the actual commencement of the greatest comb
How went the first hours of D-Day? In these personal stories glimpses are give of some of the actions and incidents that made June 6, 1944, memorable as the actual commencement of the greatest comb
How went the first hours of D-Day? In these personal stories glimpses are give of some of the actions and incidents that made June 6, 1944, memorable as the actual commencement of the greatest comb
Throughout the twelve days' interval, between the break-out from the Anzio beach-head and the capture of Rome, aircraft of the No. 1 Tactical Air Force of the Mediterranean Allied Air Command scoure
Like all celebrated military geniuses, Napoleon made some colossal mistakes. But he had so much practice in war and thought about it so constantly that he arrived very often at sound conclusions, ev