The War Illustrated, Volume 8, No. 193, Page 413, November 10, 1944.
Terrific Damage was Wrought, on Japanese airfields by U.S. Army Air Forces during a raid on Buru Island, near Celebes, in the battle for New Guinea in July 1944. A few seconds after this photograph was taken a direct hit completely shattered the grounded and camouflaged Japanese plane in the foreground. Describing these new "parafrag" bombs, General Henry H. Arnold, head of the U.S. Army Air Force, declared: "They break into 1,000-1,500 pieces, each weighing about .3 oz. and having velocities up to 4,000 ft. per second." Their design enables low-flying bombing to be carried out with extraordinary accuracy. Photo, Associated Press.
In the Far East the pace of the war is increasing. The First Lord of the Admiralty has stated that "a fleet capable in itself of fighting a general action with the Japanese Navy" is being transferred
Although U-boats are far from being extinct, there being still some hundreds in service, their area of operations has been greatly reduced. There appear to be none left in the Mediterranean, and they