It may seem to many that the task of establishing order in the chaos created by the surrender of the German armies and the liberation of millions of prisoners of war and slave labourers is proceedi
It has taken three months to conquer the island of Okinawa, in spite of the fact that the initial landing after a series of bombardments by the U.S. Fifth Fleet under Admiral Spruance met with only
Last Japanese-held port on the mainland of British New Guinea, Wewak fell to the 6th Australian Division on May 19, 1945. Two-thirds of the 30,000 enemy troops defending it perished. The remainder had
At Marshal Zhukov's headquarters on the outskirts of Berlin on June 5, 1945, there was signed by the four Allied commanders-in-chief an historic agreement for the future government of every phase o
As British representative on the Allied Control Commission (Marshal Zhukov representing Russia; Gen. Eisenhower the U.S.; Gen. de Lattre de Tassigny, France) Field-Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery,
Within about 15 minutes of the light-up order being given, a fog enshrouded airfield can be completely cleared of this greatest natural enemy of the airman. The miracle is performed by "Fido"
When doodle-bugs were falling thick and fast on London, a secret factory beneath the Houses of Parliament - in the vaults made famous by Guy Fawkes - was busy turning out weapons to counteract the fly
Many thousands of people stared in wonderment during the last four years at an enormous, fortress-like building erected at the back of the Admiralty in London, with walls eight feet thick and guarded
The greatest gamble the world has ever known was brought off under the noses of the Germans when, in 1940, Britain's entire gold reserve was moved out of this country. It was totally mobilized for tot
One year ago this great American led that mighty Allied venture, the seal on which was set with the Unconditional Surrender of Germany. In command of 5,000,000 troops, he has achieved almost overwh
With the cease fire order to French troops there ended on May 31, 1945, a grave situation in Syria and the Lebanon involving heavy casualties and damage to property., and including the shelling by
Early in June, Stanley Baron, News Chronicle War Correspondent, flew over the Normandy landing-sites where a year ago Britons and Americans gave new glory to the world. Here he describes the desert
Welcome which the people of Oslo gave to King Haakon when he arrived home from exile on June 7, 1945, came as a climax to four weeks of non-stop celebrations. These impressions of Norway during the
Screaming “Hullo! Help me!” from the darkness of the channel near the Burma coast, a Jap officer was taken prisoner by a motor launch of the Burma R.I.N.V.R. blockading the enemy escape
There are no lifts for the Germans who have taken to the highways. They trudge, and keep on trudging. Or men and women take turns between the shafts of a cart when no horse is available; nothing on
1,277th day of War against Japan, JUNE 6, Wednesday Ryukyu Island.U.S. Marines captured whole of Naha airfield, Okinawa.Brazil.State of war between Brazil and Japan announced. 1,278th day, JUNE
Four new types of British aircraft are now available for use against the Japanese. Three are fighters and one a bomber. It is certain that in speed an hitting power Japanese army and navy aircraft w