Our Diary of the War
The War Illustrated, Volume 9, No. 210, Page 155, July 6, 1945.
1,277th day of War against Japan, JUNE 6, Wednesday
- Ryukyu Island.
- U.S. Marines captured whole of Naha airfield, Okinawa.
- Brazil.
- State of war between Brazil and Japan announced.
1,278th day, JUNE 7, Thursday
- Channel Isles.
- King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in Jersey and Guernsey.
- Norway.
- King Haakon returned to Oslo after exactly five years.
- Japan.
- Osaka attacked by Super-Fortresses with H.E. and incendiaries.
- New Guinea.
- First Allied cargo ship for three years entered Wewak harbour.
- Home Front.
- Fleet carrier H.M.S. Leviathan launched by Duchess of Kent.
1,279th day, JUNE 8, Friday
- U.S.A.
- Agreement reached at San Francisco between the five Great Powers on scope of veto in Security Council.
- France.
- Wreckage of aircraft found on June 4 near Grenoble definitely identified as that of the plane which was carrying Air Chief Marshal Sir T. Leigh-Mallory to S.E. Asia.
1,280th day, JUNE 9, Saturday
- Germany.
- At Rothenburg, Field-Marshal Montgomery took last salute of Guards' Armoured Division as tank formation.
- Trieste.
- Agreement between British, U.S. and Yugoslav Governments signed in Belgrade.
- Japan.
- Large forces of Super-Fortresses raided Naroo, Nagoya and Akashi.
- Ryukyu Island.
- New Allied landings on Okinawa, south of Oruku.
1,281th day, JUNE 10, Sunday
- Germany.
- Marshal Zhukov decorated Field-Marshal Montgomery and Gen. Eisenhower with Soviet Order of Victory.
- Japan.
- Diet granted Premier Suzuki full powers as dictator. Super-Fortresses from Marianas attacked island of Honshu.
1,282th day, JUNE 11, Monday
- Home Front.
- Official date of end of European War announced as May 9.
- Ryukyu Island.
- U.S. forces launched frontal attack on remaining Japanese garrison on Okinawa.
1,283th day, JUNE 12, Tuesday
- Home Front.
- General Eisenhower received Freedom of City of London and O.M. from H.M. the king.
- Russia.
- London Poles invited to attend Moscow talks.
- Borneo.
- Australians advanced on Labuan.
1,284th day, JUNE 13, Wednesday
- Japan.
- U.S. aircraft attacked air bases on Kyushu Island.
- Home Front.
- H.M. the King awarded G.C.B. to Marshal Zhukov.
1,285th day, JUNE 14, Thursday
- France.
- General Eisenhower awarded Cross of Liberation by General de Gaulle.
- Caroline Island.
- British Pacific Fleet heavily attacked Truk.
- Borneo.
- Australians captured Brunei.
- China.
- U.S. aircraft bombed Hong Kong.
1,286th day, JUNE 15, Friday
- Japan.
- Over 500 Super-Fortresses bombed Osaka.
- Burma.
- Lord Louis Mountbatten addressed Victory Parade in Rangoon.
- Home Front.
- Dissolution of Parliament which had been elected in 1935.
1,287th day, JUNE 16, Saturday
- Borneo.
- Australians “cut off Japan entirely from all stolen property,” declared General MacArthur.
- Home Front.
- William Joyce, flown from Brussels, lodged in cell at Bow Street.
1,288th day, JUNE 17, Sunday
- Russia.
- Polish talks began at Moscow.
- Italy.
- Signor Bonomi resigned; Signor Parri accepted as Premier-designate.
- Burma.
- General Raymond Wheeler succeeded General Sultan as commanding general of U.S. forces.
1,289th day, JUNE 18, Monday
- U.S.A.
- General Eisenhower arrived in Washington.
- Germany.
- Death announced in accident of Colonel-General Berzarin, Soviet military commander of Berlin.
1,290th day, JUNE 19, Tuesday
- Japan.
- “Very large” forces of U.S. 21st Bomber Command struck at Honshu and Kyushu Island.
- June 10.
- Mussoline declared war against Britain and France.
- June 14.
- Germans entered Paris.
- June 17.
- Marshal Pétain asked Germany for an armistice.
- June 18.
- De Gaulle appealed from London to French to fight on.
- June 8.
- British and Free French troops entered Vichy-held Syria.
- June 10.
- Prague announced Lidice massacre for killing of Heydrich.
- June 13.
- Japanese landed on Attu Island in Aleutians.
- June 7.
- French committee for Nat. liberation formed in Algiers.
- June 11.
- Island of Pantelleria occupied by Allied Forces.
- June 6.
- D-Day. Allied landings on coast of Normandy
- June 13.
- First flying-bombs came over Southern England
- June 15.
- U.S. troops landed on Saipan Island in Marianas

1,040th day JULY 8, 1942, Wednesday
Sea.- Moscow announced that German battleship Tirpitz had been torpedoed and damaged by Soviet submarine in Barents Sea.
Air.- Strong force of R.A.F. bombers raid
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