The War Illustrated, Volume 1, No. 8, Page 225, November 4, 1939.
In the course of his speech to the Reichstag on September 1, 1939, Hitler declared, "I will not make war on women and children". This photograph taken in a field near Warsaw shows that his words were once again falsified by the event. A ten-year-old Polish child kneels in anguish by the side of the mangled body of her elder sister after a Nazi aeroplane had swooped down and poured a rain of bullets on her and other girls and women working in the potato fields. Photo, Wide World.
This is the time of our testing; Now, while his words still run Hither and thither, unresting: "Grant but my victory won, Grant but my new battle-stations - These lands were I ravaged and slew -
In the last Great War the Dominions contributed to Britain's Air Force large number of skilled and courageous pilots and crews. Again today the whole strength of the Empire in the air is being marshal