Volume 1 - No. 8 - November 4, 1939

In the course of his speech to the Reichstag on September 1, 1939, Hitler declared, "I will not make war on women and children". This photograph taken in a field near Warsaw shows that his words wer
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In the last Great War the Dominions contributed to Britain's Air Force large number of skilled and courageous pilots and crews. Again today the whole strength of the Empire in the air is being marshal
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Full index of this magazine
- Jottings from My Wartime Diary
- A Permanent Picture Record of the Second Great War
- Waiting for Zero Hour in the West
- The Poles Pay the Price of Defeat
- The Bolshevik Flood Reaches the Baltic
- How the New B.E.F. Went to France
- Britain's Supremacy in the Air
- Britain Takes Toll of First Air Raiders
- The Cavalry of the Skies in Training
- The Tragedy of the 'Royal Oak'
- No Easy Passage for the U-Boats
- Chamberlain Meets the 'Peace Offensive'
- Marshalling the Empire's Air Strength
- How They Saw Each Other - 'Only Yesterday'!
- Make-Believe - But Very Like the Real Thing
- When Hitler Hoisted the Pirate's Flag
- I Was There! - We Were Rescued from the 'Royal Oak'
- I Was There! - What We Saw of the First Air Raid on Britain
- I Was There! - I Followed Warsaw Raiders with My Camera
- I Was There! - We Saw the U-Boat Captain a Prisoner
- I Was There! - How We Dodged the British Navy
- Our Diary of the War
- It Is Said That...
- Odd Facts About the War