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Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938

The original design was to receive the portrait of Adolf Hitler with the text "EIN VOLK, EIN REICH, EIN FUHRER" on the front side and the German Eagle with Swastika on the obverse with the text "13 MARZ" above and "19 38" besides the eagle.
The final design received on the front two mens persons with flag, standing on the eagle with swastica. On the back was the text "EIN VOLK, EIN REICH, EIN FUHRER" and the date "13 MARZ 1938".

Grid List
Jaeger, Krafft Wilhelm Werner* July 6th, 1919
† March 13th, 2008

Jaenecke, Erwin* April 22nd, 1890
† July 3rd, 1960

Janisch, Josef* April 22nd, 1909
† July 26th, 1964

Janssen, Hermann Reinhard* September 25th, 1915
† September 7th, 1939

Jeckeln, Friedrich August (Waffen SS)* February 2nd, 1895
† February 3rd, 1946

Jodl, Alfred Josef Ferdinand* May 10th, 1890
† October 16th, 1946

Jörchel, Wolfgang* August 19th, 1907
† May 12th, 1945

Joswig, Wilhelm* February 2nd, 1912
† July 7th, 1989

Jürgen, Friedrich-Wilhelm* October 2nd, 1895
† July 16th, 1954

Jürgensen, Arnold Bernhard (Waffen SS)* May 17th, 1910
† December 23rd, 1944
Plot: 13 Grave: 38

