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Médaille Coloniale

This silver/ silvered medal was instituted in 1893 but a number of bars were authorised in connection with World War 2 :

'1940 - Côte des Somalis -1942' / authorized op 26 December 1941.
'Erythree'/ authorized on March 26th, 1942.
'Fezzan'/ authorized on March 26th, 1942.
'Koufra'/ authorized on March 26th 1942.
'Libye'/ authorized on March 26th 1942.
'Ethiopie'/ authorized on August 1st 1942.
'Bir Hakeim 1942'/ authorized on October 1st 1942.
'Fezzan-Tripolitaine'/ authorized on February 23rd 1943.
'AFL'/ authorized on July 25th 1943.
'Tripolitaine'/ authorized on January 7th 1944.
'Tunesie 1942-1943'/ authorized on April 17th 1944.
The medal is granted to thoswe who hava taken part in wars, operations or expeditions in the French colonies and/or protectorates. It corresponds to the British General Service Medal. The obverse shows the head of the reigning Head of State, the reverse shows a globe with a trophy of flags and the inscription: "Médaille Coloniale"
The ribbon is 1.25" wide, coloured pale blue with thin wavy lines running horizontally. Down the centre is a broad vertical white stripe, along the edges a narrow white stripe.

Just like the French government in exile in London, the collaborating Vichy government instituted its own bars "Côte Des Somalis - 1941" and "Levant 1940 - 1941".

Abalan, Michel Henri Charles Marie* June 5th, 1920
† February 16th, 2000

Grid List
Kailao, André* January 1st, 1918
† September 3rd, 1965

Kaiser, Arthur* July 6th, 1923
† November 18th, 2014

Karcher, Henri* October 26th, 1908
† July 31st, 1983

Kerléo, Jean* April 3rd, 1909
† December 23rd, 1950

Kieffer, Charles* December 15th, 1903
† September 28th, 1987

Kirmann, Auguste* December 4th, 1907
† April 18th, 1995

Kirsch, Henry* November 15th, 1912
† January 11th, 1997

Kocsis, Imre* November 3rd, 1910
† December 3rd, 1944

Koenig, Marie-Pierre Joseph François* October 10th, 1898
† September 2nd, 1970

Koenigswarter, de, Jules* March 7th, 1904
† February 15th, 1995

Koli, Yorgui* January 8th, 1896
† July 17th, 1970

Koné, Nouhoum* February 16th, 1909
† September 30th, 1988

Kosseyo, Dominique* 1919
† March 9th, 1994

Koudoukou, Georges* 1894
† June 15th, 1942

Koudoussaragne, Paul* January 1st, 1920
† May 10th, 1973

