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Medaglia de bronzo al Valore

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Backhaus, Johannes Adolf 'Hannes'13-09-1918 more
Baczkowski, Mieczyslaw Anzelm21-04-189802-06-1973more
Balbo, Italo06-06-189628-06-1940more
Bartels, Robert (U-561)28-04-191120-08-1943
Bastico, Ettore (Maresciallo d'Italia)09-04-187602-12-1972more
Bertuzzi, Irnerio09-10-191927-10-1962
Biancheri, Luigi31-01-189105-12-1950
Borghese, Junio Valerio06-06-190626-08-1974more
BrĂ¼ller, Ernst-Ulrich23-09-191728-02-1997
