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DZ X Renkum, 19 September 2014


DZ X Renkum, 19 September 2014

On Friday 19 September 2014 there was a lot going on at former Drop zone X along the Telefoonweg at Renkum. There were a lot of re-enactors and there was a commemorative service at 1:00 PM.

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Rhine crossing 18 September 2014


Rhine crossing 18 September 2014

On Thursday afternoon 18 September the Rhine Crossing of September 1944 was re-enacted. The event had been organised by the Liberation Task Force in coöperation with the Koninklijke Landmacht (Royal Dutch Army).

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Service Airborne cemetery Oosterbeek


Service Airborne cemetery Oosterbeek

On Sunday 21 September 2014 the annual service at the Airborne cemetery at Oosterbeek took place. For the majority of the veterans, this is the most important event in the commemoration weekend.

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Commemoration Ginkel Heath


Commemoration Ginkel Heath

On saturday 20 September 2014 the annual commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem on Ginkel Heath was being held. This is the Drop Zone where the 4th para brigade landed on 18 September 1944.

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Photo report Wolfheze 17 September 2014


Photo report Wolfheze 17 September 2014

There was a lot going on today in Wolfheze. The Glider Collection Museum was open, there were vintage vehicles and, last but not least, para drops.

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Commemoration Airborne Memorial Oosterbeek


Commemoration Airborne Memorial Oosterbeek

It has become a tradition that a commemoration is held at the airborne memorial in Oosterbeek on the wednesday morning prior to the airborne weekend.

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Photo report start Market Garden Commemorations 2014


Photo report start Market Garden Commemorations 2014

Monday the 15th of September at 9:00AM the commemorations of the Battle of Arnhem 2014 started in de province of Gelderland. At that time 70th commemoration flags were hoisted by the King's commissioner mr. Cornielje and mayor of Arnhem mr. Kaiser.

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Open Air exhibition ‘Airborne in Ede’


Open Air exhibition ‘Airborne in Ede’

Since early September the lawn outside the town hall in Ede is the venue for an open air museum.

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Excavation Halifax DT795


Excavation Halifax DT795

RAF Handley Page Halifax DT795 crashed at Wapenveld (Netherlands) on the 3rd of April 1943. The seven crew members perished. On 8 September 2014 the excavation of the aircraft has started.

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68th Airborne March


68th Airborne March

The Airborne March is the largest one-day march in the world. This commemorative march is held every year on the first Saturday in September to memorialize the Battle of Arnhem in September 1944. The Airborne March is an hommage to the more than 1.750 British and Polish soldiers who lost their lives in the Battle of Anhem and who are buried on the Airborne Cemetery at Oosterbeek. From the beginning the nett revenues of the Airborne March are used to enable veterans and next of kin with poor means, to come over to The Netherlands and attend the annual Airborne-commemorations in and around Arnhem. As of 2011 other charities are supported, provided that they are in accordance with the ideology of the Airborne March and comply with the policy's rules and regulations.

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Memorial Service Glider Pilot Regiment


Memorial Service Glider Pilot Regiment

On 13 May 2014 there was the annual short memorial service for the Glider Pilot Regiment and Army Air Corps at het memorial for the Glider Pilot Regiment 'the Renkum Stone' in the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas, England. Two veterans of the GPR were attending.

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Liberation Day Wageningen 5 May 2014


Liberation Day Wageningen 5 May 2014

On 5 May the Netherlands celebrate Liberation Day. Wageningen is the place to be. There are a lot of pop concerts. Wageningen is unique because of the annual march of veterans. In 1945 peace with the Germans was signed in Hotel ‘De Wereld’ in Wageningen, so it’s a logical place for such an event. Special guest this year were 160 British veterans of World War Two. The came over to the Netherlands with 80 London taxi’s to join the annual 4&5 May events.

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Fly-by's BBMF Lancaster


Fly-by's BBMF Lancaster

On May 4, 2014 the Lancaster of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight made several fly-by's over war memorials in the Netherlands. Your reporter was in the back garden of the Airborne Museum 'Hartenstein' at Oosterbeek where the RAF Memorial is.

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Opening Bastogne War Museum


Opening Bastogne War Museum

Tomorrow the completely renewed Bastogne War Museum will open its doors again. The museum is probably better known under its former name: Bastogne Historical Center. Closed since 2011, the museum was originally planned to reopen already in 2013; amongst others this was finally postponed by a fire until March 22nd, 2014. So tomorrow. Your reporter already went to have a preview at the press conference and in the museum. It became soon rather crowded, a lot of press had been attracted. The roads to the museum and the next door Mardasson were completely barred. Even the museum itself was checked for explosives with a tracking dog...

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R.I.P - Kees Jan Koster (1964-2014)


R.I.P - Kees Jan Koster (1964-2014)

Unfortunately today we received the message that Kees Jan Koster passed away. His illness already prevented him to do the things he liked to do the most. Kees Jan was a long time volunteer with STIWOT, primarilly with the project. During meetings and conventions he always managed to inspire others by his good spirit. Besides a fine volunteer we most of all loose a friend. Many of us have known him personally and his work for us will never be forgotten.

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Thanks for 2013 and best wishes for 2014


Thanks for 2013 and best wishes for 2014

With this notice, we would like to thank any of you that made a contribution to the website Without all the contributions, it would not have been possible to achieve the results we have had so far.

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Photo coverage Parade Bastogne 2013


Photo coverage Parade Bastogne 2013

On Sunday December 15th, 2013, again it was the opportunity for the annual parade through the center of Bastogne. After the 'Bastogne Historical Walk', Recogne and Clervaux you will find here the fourth and our most recent report of our Bastogne week end. Of course we were here last year as well, for those who want to look for the differences.

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Photo coverage of


Photo coverage of "The First Hit" 2013

As we were still looking in vain for the re-enactors in Clervaux on Saturday, we found them in masses on Sunday 15 December, 2013, after our visit to Recogne. The event of The First Hit played in Clervaux where the German armored troops, on their way amongst others to Bastogne, ran into the 28th Bloody Bucket Infantry Division. Around the castle many re-enactors were spotted. Many Dutchmen also, so your reporter had enough fun. Many questions about whether we were STIWOT and, we see you everywhere, originating from the fact that coincidentally we were also at Eerde.

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Photo coverage of the Battle for Recogne 2013


Photo coverage of the Battle for Recogne 2013

Just like last year also this year a re-enactment event took place in the area of Recogne and Cobru. On Sunday morning December 15th, 2013, at 08:30 the laying of a wreath ought to take place at the monument at the former American war cemetery. Ought to is the key word here. When your reporter presented himself at 08:15 nobody was present and no one else was to be seen, worse: even at 09:00 still nobody…

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Photospecial Bastogne Historic Walk 2013


Photospecial Bastogne Historic Walk 2013

Saturday december 14, 2013. After your reporter made the trip already yesterday to Bastogne via Beek and La Gleize today was the day for the 36th edition of the Bastogne Historic Walk. This year, though encouraged by a hearty breakfast, your reporter departed in the early hours to the “Centre Sportif” for the start. This year the hikers could select a walk of 6.5 , 15.8 or 23.5 kilometers [ie approximately 4, 9.8 and 14.6 miles]. For each of the distances the sector of Flamierge and Mande Saint-Étienne was its main theme. Of course this is well-known as the meeting point of the 101st Airborne Division and the defense by the 327th Glider Infantry Regiment.

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Bastogne Historic Walk 2013 on the 14th of December 2013


Bastogne Historic Walk 2013 on the 14th of December 2013

The 36th Bastogne Historic Walk will take place on the 14th of December 2013. The route of the march will go through the sector of Flamierge and Mande Saint- Étienne. Hikers have the choice to select from three distances: 7, 13 or 22 kilometers [approx. 4.5 mi, 8.1 mi or 14 mi]. Departure will take place between 08:00 and 09:30 from the Sports Center of Bastogne.

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Airborne Commemorations Oosterbeek Cemetery 2013


Airborne Commemorations Oosterbeek Cemetery 2013

On Sunday 22 September 2013 the annual service was held on the Airborne Cemetery at Oosterbeek. STIWOT reporter Arjan Vrieze made following photo report:

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Airborne Dropping Ginkel Heath 2013


Airborne Dropping Ginkel Heath 2013

On 21 September 2013 the annual airborne drop was being held on Ginkel Heath near Ede. Hundreds of parachutists dropped from Dakota, Transall and Hercules aircraft. Nice to view for the thousands of visitors. There were around 50 veterans.

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