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Photo report Dropping Renkum 2013


Photo report Dropping Renkum 2013

Today there would a dropping of a number of paratroopers on Dropzone X and a gathering of vehicles in downtown Renkum. The dropping was scheduled at 14:15, 'Renkum Rolling' at 15:30. Unfortunately, the dropping was eventually executed at 16:30 'cause of engine trouble to the Dakota, so your reporter had to miss 'Renkum Rolling'.

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Photospecial unveiling memorial Halifax W7930


Photospecial unveiling memorial Halifax W7930

On 22 June, 2013, Saturday afternoon, the unveiling of the memorial for the Handley Page Halifax W7930 YE-W took place in Renswoude. The four engined Halifax bomber was on its way to the Ruhrgebiet during the night of 22 to 23 June 1943 in order to participate in the air battle. The bomber was hit by anti-aircraft fire near Soesterberg. South west of Renswoude a fatal skirmish with a German night fighter followed. The aircraft crashed on top of the farm called “de Wetering” (which in English would be called a “Water-course”), which was completely destroyed. All seven aircrew lost their lives. The inhabitants of the farm, the family with the name of Vlastuin, got off with a fright.

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WW2 grave photo of missing person discovered


WW2 grave photo of missing person discovered

Basil J. Gillis, known as missing in action, but once buried?After the Battle for Tarawa, Jay M. Johnson was responsible for setting up a weather station for the pilots using the island to help with navigation. He was also an avid amateur photographer and took photos on the island. From his son Andy Johnson, the editorial board of WW2Awards received a photo of a number of graves on Tarawa.

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Photospecial In the footsteps of the 82nd Airborne Division 2013


Photospecial In the footsteps of the 82nd Airborne Division 2013

On saturday 23 February 2013 your reporter participated in the 31st edition of the march “ In the footsteps of the 82nd Airborne Divison”. The participants this time followed the traces of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment and of the 551st Parachute Infantry Battalion. It was cold, many of the forest tracks had become slippery skating rinks and now and then snow came down in the Ardennes. These were the ideal circumstances to experience a little bit the feelings the paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division must have had during the ‘Battle of the Bulge’ in the Ardennes.

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Thanks for 2012 and best wishes for 2013


Thanks for 2012 and best wishes for 2013

The WW2Awards team and our organisation STIWOT thank all visitors and all who contributed to WW2Awards in any way for the contributions we received in 2012. For 2013 we would like to wish you all the best and adress the hope that you will send us may additional information.

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Photospecial Bastogne Historic Walk 2012


Photospecial Bastogne Historic Walk 2012

It is 06:30 in the morning and the alarm clock sounds in a hotel in Houffalize. Your reporter wakes in the rainy Ardennes. Today the 35th edition of the “Bastogne Historic Walk” takes place and STIWOT is present in full battle force. It will be the first event from which we will try to send live pictures from our smart phones. And to compose a report later this day back in the hotel with pictures from our cameras. Tomorrow we will leave for Recogne for the re-enactmentevent (DUTCH) and to close the day with a parade in the streets of Bastogne (DUTCH).

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Lecture Judy Urquhart


Lecture Judy Urquhart

On saturday 13 October 2012 Judy Urquhart gave a lecture about the life of her father General Roy Urquhart. She was invited by the Friends of the Airborne Museum. The titel of the lecture was: The Road to Arnhem. The lecture in the Concert Hall in Oosterbeek turned out to be very popular. Arjan Vrieze took the pictures below.

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WW2Awards further grown


WW2Awards further grown

Every day our volunteers are working on adding new persons, decorations, data on persons and images of persons and decorations. Also we daily receive input from our visitors, veterans and our foreign volunteers. A; this has to be checked and added to the website.

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Sep2012 becomes was established on 1 October 2002 and exists ten years. This website, part of the Foundation for Information on World War Two (STIWOT) offers to its visitors an overview of museums, war cemeteries, monuments , memorials and other places to visit to those that are interested in the history of the Second World War.

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Arnhem Commemorations 23 september 2012


Arnhem Commemorations 23 september 2012

On sunday morning we went to the Airborne Cemetery in Oosterbeek with Harry Dicken and James Singer. The weather was good. We talked to many people before and after the service.

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Threat to demolish Auschwitz barrack


Threat to demolish Auschwitz barrack

A barrack which belonged to the concentration camp Auschwitz-Monowitz in Poland is being threatened with demolition. The structure had been displaced to be used as a shed. The present owner seems to intent to tear down the very much worn out wooden construction.

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Arnhem Commemorations 22 september 2012


Arnhem Commemorations 22 september 2012

On 22 september 2012 Arjan Vrieze went to the annual Airborne dropping and commenmoration on Ginkel Heath together with Harry Dicken (10e bataljon) and James Singer.

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Arnhem Commemorations 21 september 2012


Arnhem Commemorations 21 september 2012

Today we took Harry Dicken and his grandson James on a tour along the places that had been during the Battle of Arnhem. We started and ended at Ginkel Heath.

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Arnhem Commemorations 20 september 2012


Arnhem Commemorations 20 september 2012

Today STIWOT-volunteer Arjan Vrieze went out with his guests Harry Dicken, veteran of the 10th battalion and his grandson James. First we went to the Landing zones S, X and Z. Then to the memorial in Heelsum. The Airborne Museum in Oosterbeek was next.

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Photo report Battle of Britain Memorial Flight


Photo report Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

On 7 september Arjan Vrieze together with 3 Dutch friends took Arthur 'Alf' Bone to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Alf was war time pilot, flying with the RAF. He first flew Whitleys, then Anti Submarine missions in Wellingtons with Coastal Command. In 1944 converted to the Dakota. With 271 Squadron he flew 3 missions to Arnhem. Between VE-day and VJ-day Alf flew the Dakota in Birma. Al together 1400 flying hours in 3 years time. Alf and Arjan are friends since the 65th commemoration of the Battle of Arnhem in 2009. The history of Alf with RAF is briefly mentioned in the Haynes Manual for the Douglas DC-3 Dakota ISBN978 0 85733 070 3.

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Non-persons in the main menu WW2Awards


Non-persons in the main menu WW2Awards

As from now, the recipients of decorations that are no persons, are also available through the main menu of the website.

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WW2Awards growing further each day


WW2Awards growing further each day

The WW2Awards website keeps on growing by the day. Most of this is due to the additions of our visitors and the hard work of our volunteers. Every now and then we reach a number of highlights with these additions.

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"New" date of death found for Alfred Meinigke

Up till now in literature and on the internet is was mentioned that Oberstleutnant, and as Major recipient of the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes and Deutsches Kreuz in Gold, Alfred Meinigke, died at Sanko 2/327 Glebowka, Soviet Union on September 27th, 1943. From the Nachmeldung zur Tagesmeldung XIII. Armeekorps vom 28.09.1943, of which we now own a scan, has been discovered that Alfred Meinigke actually died on September 28th, 1943.

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For the information on this website we use many primary sources. Help of our visitors with this information is very welcome. Do you own any documents with awarding information on decorations in relation to the Second World War, we would be very pleased to be able to receive a scan of them.

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Helping with this website?


Helping with this website?

This website now contains over 45.000 names. However many more recipients of decorations are awaiting to be entered to the database. To be able to do this, new volunteers are more than welcome. If you think you will be able to make a contribution to the website by adjusting, renewing or adding to the contents, please contact us about the possibilities.

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