North Nova Scotia Highlanders, R.C.I.C.
More than once Cameron saved the day for his companions by acts of personal bravery; on one occasion he forced approximately fifty German soldiers to abandon their trenches in surrender by bold and persistent use of machine gun which proved too much for them to bear, for he practically blasted them out single-handed. The other day, in the very difficult attack on the German held town of Bienen, east of the Rhine, his platoon (of 28 men) became hopelessly pinned down by German fire power. The casualties were mounting. Cameron leapt in and went forward to the German trenches put two hand grenades into their midst which caused the death of four and the wounding of three other Germans, each having an automatic weapon. This enabled the platoon to complete their attack which would perhaps have failed otherwise. On the way back to join his platoon Cameron was wounded; but he didn’t want the stretcher bearer to tend to him first and asked them to look after the others! However, he was immediately evacuated to the medical officers and seemed all smiles, especially when he was told that he would not die. He suffered a sudden reverse a few days later, however, and passed away quickly and without pain in the hospital.
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