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Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (1939-1947)

Instituted on October 22ns 1943 for service of at least 18 months between September 3rd 1939 and March 1st 1947.
The ribbon can bear up to three bars.
1) The Overseas Service Bar for 60 days of service overseas.
2) The Dieppe Bar for participation in the Raid on Dieppe on August 19th 1942.
3) The Hong Kong bar for participating in the defence of Hong Kong between December 8th and December 25th 1941.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Aadland, Richard05-09-190412-02-1945
Abbl, Ernest Edward20-04-192508-02-1945
Abigail, Leonard Delburt07-03-191518-09-1945
Abraham, Maurice Clyde20-02-192017-04-1945
Ackerman, Harold Albert 17-05-192511-04-1945
Addie, Gordon Rennie23-05-190522-01-1990
Albert, Earl Thomas01-03-1920 more
Alcock, Wilfred Reginald 16-06-190919-02-1945
Alexander, Lincoln MacCauley21-01-192219-10-2012more
Alexander, Robert Wilfred20-08-192021-09-1944
Alexander, Thomas Ward04-11-192408-03-1945
Alguire, Wesley Oscar18-10-190524-02-1945
Allen, Arnold Howard05-01-192127-02-1945
Allen, Arnold Reilston19-07-192305-03-1945
Allen, Harry Manley 24-11-192405-05-1945
Allen, Thomas William14-12-192220-09-1944more
Alto, William Wilfred06-04-191016-02-1945
Alvis, Reginald Samuel27-07-192208-03-1945
Amey, Harvey Herbert13-04-191017-02-1945
Andersen, Erik Frederik Rask07-04-192418-03-1945
Anderson, Alexander Leslie04-02-192427-02-1945
Anderson, Basil Donald 21-11-192107-03-1945
Anderson, Hugh Henry27-02-192111-04-1945
Anderson, Lloyd Morley 05-05-191822-02-1945
Anderson, Ritchie 21-09-192104-04-1945
Anderson, Robert Fred Lindsay26-12-191913-11-1942
Anderson, Robert Thomas30-12-191905-10-2001
Anderson, Trueman William Albert 21-10-191509-02-1945
Anderson, William Brodie00-00-191408-06-1944
Anderson, William Charles27-10-192302-04-1945
Andre, Albert Guy20-10-192102-03-1945
Andrew, Gordon Eugene 27-05-192527-02-1945
Andrew, Robert Murray 15-10-191313-03-1945
Angell, Henry Ellis00-00-191605-12-2010
Anger, Carl Leslie14-10-192311-02-1945
Annable, Harold Cecil05-01-191705-06-1983
Antoft, Otto Hjalmar21-02-191921-09-1944more
Ardis, Beverley Donn "Joe"00-00-192206-05-1997
Armstrong, Frank Guy 02-01-190222-01-1945
Armstrong, Frederick Finlay00-00-191804-11-1997more
Armstrong, Robert Norman11-12-192101-03-1945
Armstrong, Roy  
Armstrong, Walter Douglas09-12-191916-02-1945
Arnett, Francis Lewis Joseph14-03-191525-03-1945
Arnold, Charles Keever02-11-191306-12-1961
Ash, Ralph Leonard 05-05-192702-03-1945
Ash, William Kenneth24-07-191719-02-1945
Ashford, James01-07-192327-03-1945
Asplund, Bernard Allen08-03-192521-11-1944
Asselin, Joseph Robert Royal "Bob"19-05-191925-02-1945
Auchterlonie, James Laurence07-12-192413-04-1945
Audet, Rodrigue 12-07-192016-01-1945
Avey, Lloyd Glen11-01-191919-02-1945
Ayer, Donald Holman22-04-191204-03-1945
