01.09.1934: entered the Feldjäger - Berlin
01.09.1934-22.12.1934: basic training
01.11.1935-31.03.1936: Offizier-Anwärter Lehrgang - Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
16.11.1936-03.10.1937: appointed to the SS-Nachrichten-Abteilung - Berlin-Adlershof
04.10.1937-31.07.1938: SS-Funker, sent to the Junker Lehrgang - SS-Junkerschule Bad Tölz
01.08.1938-01.09.1938: SS-Standarten-Oberjunker, sent to the platoon leader course in Dachau
01.10.1938: appointed as Zugführer to the II./ SS-Standarte 'Germania', then OO
09.11.1938: promoted to SS-Untersturmführer
1938 : campaign in Tchecoslovakia
09.1939: campaign in Poland
16.11.1939: SS-Ustuf and Adjutant, appointed to the Totenkopf SS-Regiment 11
20.01.1941: SS-Ustuf and Führer, 3./ SS-Totenkopf Infanterie Regiment 11
18.02.1941: SS-Ustuf and Führer, 4./ Kradschützen-Bataillon - 2. SS-Division 'Reich'
20.04.1941: promoted to SS-Obersturmführer
04.1941: campaign in Serbia
06.1941: campaign in Russia
07.1941: WIA in Russia
18.02.1941-08.1942: SS-Ostuf and Führer 4./ SS-Infanterie Regiment 4 'Langemark'
10.08.1942: appointed to the SS-Kradschützen-Ersatz-Bataillon in Ellwangen as company commander of an instruction company
15.12.1942: SS-Ostuf, appointed to the Schnelle Regiment, 10.SS-Panzer Grenadier Division
SS-Ostuf Kdr 3./ SS-Pz.AA 10 - 10. SS-Panzer Grenadier Division 'Frundsberg'
20.08.1944: WIA and taken prisoner when an artillery shell hit his Schützenpanzer ivo Trun, Falaise pocket.
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